User Reviews
Aurora Feint App

This free app store game is probably one of the most entertaining and addicting games build for the new 2.0 iPhone OS yet. The first version is called “The Beginning”, and what a start it is. Complete with full audio soundtrack, visual illustrations and characters, Aurora Feint is sure to become an iPhone classic. The game is aimed to be an MMOG (massively multiplayer online game) for the iPhone.

The game play itself borrows from the classic Bejeweled game mashed RPG style, but moving the puzzle pieces around is actually quite more flexible and logical in terms of the iPhone. The puzzle grows from the bottom as you try to remove the piled pieces from the top. Compete with your friends in an epic fantasy world playing exciting puzzle games, build your character and collect magical items. There is even a forum for the game. Aurora Feint is definitley fun and exciting, and best of all its free.

Here is a video demo of the game in action:

Update: Aurora Feint was delisted by Apple from the App Store today due to major security issues. Apparently the game would take your contacts database on your iPhone and send it to its own server, unencrypted. The developer claims it wasn’t being sneaky, and only trying to ease the game’s community features. If you didn’t use the community feature, you’re OK and this whole thing looks to have been designed with good intentions. However it was still a gigantic security risk and has caused the game to be pulled from the App Store.

From the developers:

When we discovered that the Apple SDK allowed us to look through your contact list we thought it would be a great idea to automatically show you which friends are playing the game. Why automatically? Well, everyone always complains about the keyboard on the iPhone and how annoying it is to type on it. So we thought, “Hey, why don’t we make this feature REALLY easy to use – no typing!” And such, the community feature was born. Some people have said that it would have been ok if we had a better notice explaining what was going on. I agree! We weren’t trying to be sneaky about how this worked. It was just overlooked. No one we showed it to even asked a question about it – nor did we. It just simply never came up as a potential issue when we beta tested the game with early users.

Aurora Feint FAQ
Q: What moves are available?
horizontal move: tip and hold a block with your finger and move it horizontal
rotate: flip your i phone to see the gravity change
restock: to get more resources into your area: “pull” the bottom line with two fingers
pinch: (unknown.)
pull: (unknown.)
swipe: (unknown.)

Q: Where can i find examples for the basic moves?
There is an excellent article by babajaga

Q: Is there a pause control?
If you push the pulsing back button in the upper corner of the game it will pause and take you to the summary view. From there you can choose to resume the game at your will.

Q: There are not enough blocks for blueprint XY?
Get more blocks 😉 (See “restock” at “What moves are available?”)

Q: I cant use the party feature?
Wait for the update v1.0.0.1

Q: I cant use/earn Powerups/Tools?
Wait for the update v1.0.0.1
“A quick hint, when the update is out, the tools that you can use are activated by double tapping. ”

Q: I keep popping blocks but I NEVER level?
Well, if you have NEVER leveled then there is a problem with your character on the server side. You will need to delete/recreate after the update. If you are simply stuck after leveling a few times it is probably because you have not purchased the newest blueprints/magic books. Head to the ‘store’ and purchase the available blueprints/magicbooks to access the higher levels

Q: What are scrolls?
They tell the story of Aurora Feint…but are not out yet.
Wait for the update v1.0.0.1

Q: How come I am still ‘Category 7’
There is a problem currently where people will ‘cycle’ through category 7, it seems to be the limit at the moment.

Q: I don’t see any Tool Blocks? What are Tool Blocks?
Tool Blocks are unlocked with blueprints (or earning tools). No one knows much about them, they will be implemented in the update

Q: What does ‘Most Blocks Popped’ mean?
This refers to the most blocks you have popped in one single move, currently in the 1.0 version the displayed information is incorrect. Look for this to be fixed in

Q: Is there an index of skills?
I have one but since im not supposed to disclose every secret of the game I am only showing the details of the first level of every skillclass or however its called:

Q: Which choices do i have on which level?
Go To….play&thread=284

Q: Is there a list of puzzles?

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Aurora Feint App at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Aurora Feint App was written by on July 22nd, 2008 and categorized under App Store, Featured, Fun, Games. Page viewed 10934 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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