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Got talent? Wanna impress your friends with your singing abilities? LaDiDa from Kush is a voice recording app that lets you easily create songs on your iPhone. If you’re a fan of Microsft’s Songsmith program you will love the LaDiDa app for your iPhone. Just pick a style and tempo, sing into the mic to have LaDiDa automatically loop the background music that matches the song and chords you’re singing perfectly.

Think of LaDiDa as a reverse Karaoke app, that using some interesting technology to make your everyday singing sessions into a professional sounding track. The technology allows LaDiDa to analyze your voice and compose music to match it. You can use LaDiDa while you sing or rap. Once you’ve recorded you can save it. Recording works best if you plug in your iPhone earbuds so you can hear yourself on the headphones while you sing.

So whether you’ve always dreamt of being a famous singer or rapper, LaDiDa can help you get closer to that dream. You don’t really have to be a great singer or rapper either. LaDiDa can augment your voice with matching music to make your very own interesting and original songs. The results aren’t always perfect but practice makes perfect. Songs can be shared by email or on Facebook when you’re done.

The following effects are what does the magic in LaDiDa:
– E Piano Pop
– Rhythm Synth Pop
– Dub Tone
– Underground Rap
– Tasty Breaks Rap
– Dirty South Rap

Here is a video demo of the LaDiDa app on the iPhone

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download LaDiDa at iTunes App Store
Price: $2.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of LaDiDa was written by on November 18th, 2009 and categorized under App Store, Fun, Music, Productivity, Utilities. Page viewed 21757 times, 5 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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24 Comments to “LaDiDa”

  1. does this app work for the new Ipod nano?

  2. This Application for my product, (the iPhone) is a great stimulator. It creates vocals into a hit single song.

  3. Can Ladida work for ipod touch and also is it free?

  4. uhm is this app 4 the ipod touch 2? i am trying to create a singin group and we r gonnan turn in a demo and we r gonna use this app but i wanna now if it can b use 4 ipod touch ? and no it dont work with ipod nano.. i tried

  5. You should have this app for android phones too.

  6. This app is awesome! I would recommend it to anyone who wants to sing well.

  7. Just bought it and WOW. What a great product. I love creating music and this is entertainment. I could not believe my ears when I did the first take. This is clearly the coolest iPhone app yet!!!!

  8. Why does this cost so much?

  9. Can this work 4ipod touch 2?

  10. i got ladida it’s amazing(y)

  11. is there an app like this for the HTC evo

  12. this app is great for singer/songwriters its helped me in choosing the right chords and melod for tracks and with luck ive made a few full length songs, im hoping “Ladida” will make an upgrade of this app by adding more affects and maybe ladida could make a cd maker of album maker app, im sure many would love and buy straight away on itunes 🙂

  13. I have an ipod touch and even thought this app is said to be for the iphone i could still download it I saw it on the key of awesome it seems like a fun and entertaining app but I cant figure out how to use it. I am a singer but it just doesn’t work I have tried everything but nothing works. Please respond I would really be thankful and I need to be able to use it because I am recording a video next week. Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!

  14. I have an ipod touch and even thought this app is said to be for the iphone i could still download it I saw it on the key of awesome it seems like a fun and entertaining app but I cant figure out how to use it. I am a singer but it just doesn’t work I have tried everything but nothing works. Please respond I would really be thankful and I need to be able to use it because I am recording a video next week. Please Help Me!!!!!!!!! Thank you

  15. i saaw this on the key of awsome! it seems fun i am so going to download!

  16. would b so awsome if u could have a free version and have it on computers also… cus i so want this app on my labtop!!!!!!!

  17. AWESOME!!!!… I’ve got my OWN iTunes right in store!!:)

  18. hello people do you no how to make a music video on an iphone4 please!!! 🙂

  19. Does this app work for iPads as well? if not, is there a similar app or program that does?

  20. Apparently this app does work for iPod 2G, but you have to have the headphones with the speaker plugged in obviously.

  21. Ok look everyone who ask if it works for ipod touch the answer is yes all you need are the ear buds with the built in mic to make it work! Use the ipod, son or skull cand head phones with a mic just make sure it has the MIC! on it and BAM It works trust me! haha

  22. If i make a song with ladida can? i put it On my PC ? Yes ? how?

  23. es

  24. Well that girl have a beautiful voce. She doesn’t need LaDiDa:).

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