User Reviews
Extra Funny Jokes

Laughter is a form of therapy and can work wonders on your mood. If you are ever having a bad day and all you need is an original, knee-slapping joke to get you through it, this may not be the app for you. Extra Funny Jokes costs $0.99 and is compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. I found that the app does not live up to its title: Instead of extra funny it should be corny incomprehensible jokes.

Extra Funny Jokes

When you open up Extra Funny Jokes there is a taskbar along the top and the joke is typed out below. The navigating options you are given are home—which takes you back to the first joke—settings, a joke count—that shows you what joke you are on out of 100—a grocery cart, and an option to share the joke. In the last selection you can recommend the app through email, Facebook, or Twitter, you can share the joke through the same portals, or you can give a rating or review of the app to the developers. You use your finger to flip through the jokes as if there are pages. Here is an example of one of the worst ones, “Definition of a cactus: a really angry cucumber.” The punch lines are italicized just in case you didn’t notice, which can happen a lot with awful jokes. Another winner I came across, “You cannot treat Alzheimers. You can forget about it though.” On the positive side, it is a really easy app to use.

I have impossibly high standards for jokes. If a joke isn’t funny enough to make me break out in my obnoxious and boisterous laugh, then I at least expect for it to put a smile on my face. I don’t know if the bar was set too high because I installed this app the day after I saw Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work, but not one of the 100 jokes they give you is funny. It may be unfair to knock these jokes, because humor is so subjective, but I wouldn’t recommend this app to anyone.

AppSafari Rating: 2/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Extra Funny Jokes at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Extra Funny Jokes was written by on July 11th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Fun, Reading. Page viewed 8888 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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3 Comments to “Extra Funny Jokes”

  1. Your bar is set too high indeed. I found the jokes to be really funny.

  2. – The punch lines are italicized just in case you didn’t notice, which can happen a lot with awful jokes.
    – You did not get that it is a convention to indicate conversations?

  3. Amazing! The new application for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad is so funny. Jose the Joke Telling Toucan is app giant 1tucan new star. This app is complete with hundreds of great jokes and has many interactive features. The easy to use interface works well with kids, who if too young to get the jokes can enjoy the toucan dancing and the fun music. Laugh out loud! Come and visit us:

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