User Reviews
Leap Frogger

Leap Frogger is an app game by Octane Technologies that brings us a day in the life of being a frog. It is a fun and challenging game. It was developed for an iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad and costs $0.99.

Leap Frogger chronicles this little frog’s journey through a pond. He has many predators and lots of prey. You can use your index finger to stretch him back and aim him in a certain direction (like a rubber band), release and he goes flying through the air onto the next lily pad. Nothing in his life is easy and the lily pads are spaced apart at different lengths so it is up to you to gage how far to shoot him. If you overshoot and he goes flying off the edge of the pad you loose a life; any time he lands in the water or fails to avoid a predator you loose a life. You get a total of four shots before it’s Game Over.

Leap Frogger

Everywhere the frog turns he must stay away from crocodiles, snakes, pelicans, a set of wide, hungry eyes in the water, and a hideous looking spider. Not even the lily pads are safe because if he waits on them too long his weight will make them sink. A few items that the frog looks to run into and eat (if he can catch them quickly enough) are dragonflies, snails, ladybugs, and some other type of fly. These treats lend him extra points. Other aids he is afforded are a turtle’s back to hop onto—this will not sink him like a lily pad will—a helmet (go figure), a gem, and wings to fly across the pads. Hopping from one lily pad to the next earns frogger 50 points but if he is able to skip pads he earns double the amount.

The frog’s life is flimsy and when I began playing I got 7 Game Overs in the first 15 minutes. It only made me feel better about my score when I looked at the global high scores list that the game provides its user with and saw 310150 in the top spot. Bottom line is that this is an entertaining game that I highly recommend.

Here is a video demo of the Leap Frogger app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 3/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Leap Frogger at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Leap Frogger was written by on August 31st, 2010 and categorized under Adventure, App Store, Fun, Games. Page viewed 6754 times, 3 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
Sudoku Kai - free game

One Comment to “Leap Frogger”

  1. nice game with cool graphics

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