User Reviews
Dungeon Tap

Sackboy, the characters from the “9” movie, and creepy voodoo dolls have a new friend! Stitches is his name and monsters are out to stop his escape from this dungeon! It’s up to you to dodge enemies, jump a lot, and navigate your way up and out of this death trap! Brought to us from the makers of Doodle Dash!, Beebe Games presents Dungeon Trap! If you have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad and you can shell out $0.99, you too can try and save Stitches!

Dungeon Tap

How many jumping distance games are there going to be when we look back at the iPhone years from now? How much can I possibly play? This style of game always came with some limitations. Gameplay is dependent on the tilt function, which means that you will die often due to the lack of wrist or arm precision, they will most likely not give you the ability to adjust the sensitivity of the tilting, and you’ll be disoriented and unable to properly avoid enemies if you are busy trying not to fall and die.

Dungeon Tap

Dungeon Trap attempts to alleviate the control issues by not making the jumping automatic. This time, you can take your time and slowly climb the tower to avoid the many MANY enemies and obstacles. The jumps can get pretty tricky, and mostly due to the loose controls and by just how big the area is. They shrink down the enemies, your character, and the platforms and fill the screen with an amazingly bad tiled brick pattern. With this much noise, it gets really tough to see what you are doing and jump around enemies and collect these little glowing orbs and hearts.

I didn’t have a whole lot of fun honestly. The gameplay reminds me of a harder to control Super Mario copy, but extremely limited. I wasn’t able to be drawn in because everything is zoomed out, the biggest part of the screen, the brick pattern hurt my eyes and really pushed me away. There are too many enemies right from level 1 and it’s aggravating as the game goes on.

I experienced crashes and sound glitches that prevented me from reducing the volume of the game through my iPhone’s volume controls; so overall, the only positive is the character design and the change in the standard jumping game. Being allowed to jump whenever I want is appreciated, and I did play this game for several levels, but I can’t play this until something is done with the background and if they add a tilt calibration option.

Here is a video demo of the Dungeon Tap app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 2.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Dungeon Tap at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Dungeon Tap was written by on November 18th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Games, Platformer. Page viewed 5354 times, 8 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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