User Reviews
Pocket God

What kind of God would you be? Vengeful or Benevolent? To find the answer play the Pocket God game on your iPhone or iPod touch. You are a God on a desolated island and rule everything there. You can give life and take it away. You can control everything that happens on your own little island, you’re the boss! How would you rule your world?

Here is a video demo of Pocket God on the iPhone

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Pocket God at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Pocket God was written by on February 23rd, 2009 and categorized under App Store, Featured, Fun, Games. Page viewed 22739 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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39 Comments to “Pocket God”

  1. pocket god is amasing and cool. when will it be updated

  2. I have an iPod touch and I find it extenely anoying that o can not play this game. I have seen all these good reviews and I beleive that mNy people with iPod touchs can’t play. I would like it if it were to be available on the iPod touch

  3. umm hi i have an ipod touch 32GB and i am able to play just fine!!!

  4. i live in Australia and I do not beleive it out here yet

  5. you can play it i got an ipod touch all you have to do is update your ipod on itunes. to do that plung in your idod and wher it has your ipod info go where it shows you your memory on your ipod and press update.

  6. thanks I’ll try. But I already have the 2nd gen iPod touch

  7. pocektgod freakin rocks

  8. is it out in Australia on the iPod??

  9. This game is fun, for about 10 seconds. Then it is totally lame and just sits on your phone taking up space.

  10. I no wat u mean

  11. Is there an objective to finish the game or something?

  12. it roks if i had it

  13. They should make an update that lets you plant crops and conrtpl how big the crops are feed the pygmies and feed them to wild animals in the foialage as well as plant cavrinerous plants or strangleing bean plants.

  14. You should add a hut with a beaker that when smashed on a Pygmy creates the ultimate Pygmy. Put in a costomization chart to with invisibilty mini mode ect

  15. Oye, is there another way of getting acheivments besides killing a t-Rex ??

  16. My son loves to play Pocket God in my iPhone the whole day! I need to use my phone but he just does not want to give it up! If I update my iPod Touch 16GB (1st gen) to the latest version, will I be able to upload the Pocket God into it? If that will work, then he can have my iPod Touch and I can use my phone….

  17. Hi!
    Just got a Ipod touch and got it updated lastnight. I try the game pocket god and it loads for a split second and poof dissapears and will not load… 🙁 haven’t been able to figure out why it isn’t loading. I’m new to this ipod stuff, but yea kinda disapointed. Not sure if I can get my money back either.

  18. Bolt creative should add an octopus and the shark should follow the Pygmies to the under water world.

  19. Bolt should post how to create an app on their blog so others can make their own applications.

  20. Can u actually get poicket god on the LG ku990 Viewty??

    I really want it and im too poor to get and ipod of any sort!

  21. I got a new update for it and when I turned it on it crashed. I tried restarting my iPod and reinstalling it but it never worked.

  22. Mine starts to load and then goes away. This started happening after the last update. I rebooted but it didn’t help.

  23. iphone and ipod touch users please take this survey for an iphone and ipod touch study

  24. I am surprised that this app is still only 99 cents. Are we sure this isn’t the introductory price? The last 99 cent game I saw that seemed worth it was Little Cook. That was a fun one, but I think this game may be too complicated for my little one…maybe even for me.

  25. Pocket god seems like an awesome game but my parents wont let me get it, what do I do?

  26. its a good game

  27. All fans of Pocket God can try that game:

  28. Boring cause we didn’t get to play

  29. i want it free

  30. biggest waste of a dollar i’ve ever spent.

  31. how do u get this app…….it says i dnt have the right update…….but i cnt find the update

  32. The updates are getting better and better. I reallly want an update that is to design your own island

  33. Pocket God Is Reeally Funnn , If Youur Parents Wont Let Youuu Get It , Juust Beg , Or Keep Mentioning Its Juust A Dollar , Or Say Ill Do More Chores Or Somethinnng That Will Make Theemm Happy (:

  34. pockt god is awsome!/\!emoswa si dog tkcop

  35. people say it doesnt work, give me my money back, BUT ITS A STINKIN DOLLAR!


  37. A boring game about hurting people. Disturbing.

    If you like this, then you’ll likely spend your life working behind the counter at Taco Bell.

  38. I luv pocket gods.People who say it’s not worth it are wrong. I like it because you can see the reactions of the people.FUNNY!!You should totally get it.

  39. Pocket God is an awesome game that lets u decide the fate of your people. u can love on em, or choose to be a brutal god that can end their life with a tap. totally addictive!

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