User Reviews
iPhone SDK Release

iPhone SDK was announced Thursday March 6th 2008.

The beta version of the iPhone SDK called “Cocoa Touch” is out today for developers. The apps will be available through an software update in late June to consumers through the “App Store” on the iPhone or iPod touch and via iTunes on your PC. The software update 2.0 is free for iPhone owners but there is a fee for iPod touch owners. There is a $99 fee to join the iPhone SDK developer program. The Enterprise Program costs $299 per year. A limited number of developers will be accepted into Apple’s new iPhone Developer Program. End users will need an iTunes account with a credit card, and you can *only* buy apps from Apple.

The Apple Developer Center is now updated with the new SDK:
Free iPhone SDK: Start your development now with the free iPhone SDK and the resources in the iPhone Dev Center

See below for all the notes from the SDK presentation by Steve Jobs from Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California. Leave your comments below and share your thoughts with other developers.

– End of Event.
– Security is done via Apple issuing the develpers an electronic certificate which is tied to the developer. This is part of the $99 fee.
– Voice over IP, VOIP will be allowed over Wi-Fi
– Exchange, POP, iCal, can be mixed but only one Exchange account at a time.
– Apps are only distributable on the App Store, is it a monopoly for Apple? Jobs points out that Apple is making it “easy” for developers to sell their apps.
– SIM unlock software will NOT be allowed.
– Fee for touch is because the touch uses normal accounting while iPhone get subscription income stream.
– Apple building a model for Enterprises to be able to write apps that only get distributed internally to their users.
– Did not want to disclose whether or not the Carriers get a revenue share of the App Store.
– Press Q&A

– Steve Jobs closes the presentation. That’s all folks!
– He is helping developer with funding with $100 million fund venture capital for iPhone development called iFund
– John Doerr from Kleiner Perkins says SKD is a big deal, bigger
than the Personal Computer.
– More bad news: To join the developer program costs $99.
– Bad news: Nominal charge for the software update to the iPod touch!
– The same thing is true for the iPod touch
– As always iPhone software updates are free
– Consumers will get the software update and App Store in late June
– Called the iPhone 2.0 software update. Beta release available today
– Developers get the SDK today
– Developers are paid monthly
– No credit card fees, No hosting fees. No marketing fees for developers
– Developer picks the price. Developer gets 70% of the revenues
– Exclusive way to distribute iPhone applications
– Lots of free apps
– Also you can buy apps via iTunes and install them from your computer
– Looks like iTunes App with Featured items, categories, top lists, search
– Downloads over Wi-Fi or Cell network
– App Store Demo
– App Store will be on every iPhone with the next iPhone firmware update
– an application we’ve written to deliver apps to the iPhone
– App Store
– Steve Jobs back on Stage, going to tell us how we get all this
– Demos are done
– SEGA Demo: Super Monkey Ball using accelerometer to roll the
ball by tilting the iPhone.
– Epocrates has a UI for looking up drug information, and images, used SQLite
– Next Demo: Epocrates app for Doctors
– You can even set your buddy icon from photos on the iPhone
– AIM shows buddy icons, status & name, works with Address book.
Took 5 Days to build.
– Next Demo: AOL with AIM on the iPhone
– The iPhone SDK and the Salesforce API sync
– Next Demo: Chuck Dietrich from on stage.
– He says took them 2 day to get Cocoa Touch running
– EA built a game based on Spore – a game where you’re trying to eat
anything smaller than you and avoid anything larger than you
– On Stage: Travis Boatman from Electronic Arts
– Apple gave the SDK to a few companies a few weeks in advance and asked
them to develop some games for it
– He is moving the phone, and tapping on the screen to fire.
– Touch Fighter uses OpenGL, OpenAL and the accelerometer to fly a ship
– Next game Demo: Touch Fighter
– Touch FX uses OpenGL to edit photos using fingers, pinch, squeeze, pull
and wipe changes by shaking the iPhone like an Etch-A-Sketch
– Demoing sample app called “Touch FX” written in 2 days.
– Testing the app live from the iPhone with debugger
– Single click to build and run the program in the simulator
– Deming a “Hello World” app in Xcode
– iPhone simulator – Runs on a Mac, simulates the entire
API stack of the iPhone OS
– Core OS with OS X Kernel, Lib System, BSD TCP/IP, Sockets, Security,
Power Mgmt, Keychain, Certificates, File System, Bonjour
– Interface Builder – has complete library of all the UI controls of the iPhone
– Xcode – Runs on a Mac and does source control and remote debugger
– Cocoa Touch Handles single touches, multi-touch, and gestures
– Core Media and Audio layers
– Core Location – cell tower and wi-fi data tell you where you are
– Core Services layer – SQLite, an entire database
– Cocoa is based on a keyboard and mouse so iPhone uses “Cocoa Touch”,
based on touch interaction with the iPhone OS.
– “Starting today we’re opening up the same APIs and tools that
we use to develop our own applications today”
– Mentions of Facebook webapp
– iPhone accounts for 25 percent of all mobile online banking for BOA.
– Scot says “Developers were less than enthused about webapps, but it’s
true that these days you can build lots of interesting Web
applications that don’t require native access to the computer.”
– Getting ready to demo the SDK
– Scott Forstall is doing Web apps demos
– Exchange functionality is what his customers want.
– Demoing a Remote Wipe
– Phil Shiller does a Sync with Exchange
– Mail and Calendar apps in iPhones will have this functionality
– built into new iPhones
– iPhone to get new Exchange features: Push email,
Push Calendar, Push Contacts, Global Address List,
CISCO IPSec VPN, Certificates and Identities,
WPA2 / 8021x, Enforced Security Policies,
Device Configuration, Remote Wipe.
– Talking about Enterprise
– Phil Schiller on stage, Standford University
– iPhone Safari has 71% of mobile browser market share
– iPhone has garnered a 28 percent market share
– iPhone smartphone marketshare 28% RIM 41%
– Steve Jobs is on stage
– Starting…
– Good Morning


How do you feel about the new iPhone Software Development Kit?

  • I'm not a developer, but want some apps to use. (38%, 93 Votes)
  • It's exactly what I wanted, I can't wait to get going (29%, 72 Votes)
  • It is a good start and could be improved upon. (17%, 42 Votes)
  • Disappointed, Not what I expected from Apple. (16%, 38 Votes)

Total Voters: 245

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More information on the iPhone SDK will go here

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AppSafari review of iPhone SDK Release was written by on March 6th, 2008 and categorized under Cydia Apps, News. Page viewed 9442 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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13 Comments to “iPhone SDK Release”

  1. I can’t wait…

    I want to have more apps to my ipod touch but I doesnt want to jailbreak it.

    Help please.

  2. ya real good I phone but locking system not good we need freedom with at&t we no need any jailbreak




  5. MORE FEES for iPod Touch users?

    What a load of crap!
    What else will they charge us for?
    How much will I have to pay for this thing in the end?

    I am royally pissed off at Apple.
    This is the worst treatment I have EVER gotten for such an expensive electronics device! I will never buy another iPod again!

  6. I feel really disappointed… 🙁 i’ve been waiting to release SDK but unfortunately its not for Ipod touch… I love my ipod but I don’t want to jailbreak it. I really want to buy but no credit card… is there any other way to buy applications if the apple could not give it free???

  7. use installer app.its not jailbreak, but you need 1.1.1 can down grade your ipod and then ON YOUR IPOD go to “” then scroll to the bottom and click install app snapp.its not jail break but a icon on the home screen will appear wicth allows you to download lots of realy fun apps easy and free.

  8. WTF is jailbreaking you complete retard

  9. it sucks SO bad I have a HP laptop and you need a mac to use the sdk

    🙁 ;( (‘_’)

  10. For iTouch users: So to every app u buy, u hve to pay for it, tht is crap, the apps on SDK, will we be able to download those from Installer or from some website for free?

  11. So does it cost money everytime u buy an app, if u hve an iTouch???????

  12. .you can just restore
    your iphone or ipod.then theres no
    installer and your at factory settings on your ipod or iphone

  13. if you want to buy the software update without credit cards
    Then buy a gift card from your local store and use it to register by clicking ‘short cut’

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