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Spirit is a cross platform, untethered, and simple jailbreak method for the latest firmware 3.1.3 on the latest versions of the iPad, iPhone 3G or 3GS, and iPod touch.


1. Sync your device with iTunes to make sure you have a backup in case things go wrong (and they might).
2. Download Spirit for MAC or Spirit for Windows from the developer’s website.
3. Connect your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch to your computer via USB.
4. Run the Spirit application and make sure it recognizes and approves your device settings.
5. Click the “Jailbreak” button and wait about 30 seconds.
6. After Spirit is done your device will restart you should see the Cydia app on your homescreen, which confirms the Spirit jailbreak has completed successfully.


Please note that not all Cydia packages work perfectly on the iPad as of right now. Some will even mess up your iPad and require a restore so play at your own risk!

Here’s a quick overview if you’re not familiar with what a tethered vs. untethered jailbreak is. A tethered jailbreak is a pain to use because every time you shut down your device it goes into recovery mode and you must run the jailbreak program to get it started again. Obviously, this can get to be very tedious, which is why Spirit is a wonderful solution. It is an untethered jailbreak, meaning you only do it once, and you’re set.

For those who are already running a tethered jailbreak: To use Spirit you have to restore first.

Don’t use Spirit if you’ve already unlocked your device or wish to do so. Spirit will *not* unlock your iPhone to be used with other phone carriers like T-Mobile.

– iTunes 9 (including 9.1.1) required
– If your device is stuck on DFU or Recovery modes, Spirit won’t work.
– Firmwares supported by Spirit are:
– 3.1.2
– 3.1.3
– 3.2

If you install SSH on your device be sure to change your default password. See the instructions here.

Here is a video demo of the Spirit Jailbreak on an iPad

After you’ve jailbroken your iPad you can do some cool things like install snes4iPhone from Cydia and play Super Mario World on your iPad with a Wii remote.

Use iPhone mods and hacks at your own risk! Installing 3rd Party iPhone apps requires you to jailbreak the iPhone before installing the native software and apps. Browse the full list of all iPhone and iPod touch native 3rd party apps filed under the software category.

Spirit Developer’s website is here

AppSafari Rating: 5/5

AppSafari review of Spirit Jailbreak was written by on May 5th, 2010 and categorized under Cydia Apps. Page viewed 19032 times, 3 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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21 Comments to “Spirit Jailbreak”

  1. how do i open the *spirit* file after i have extracted it>?

  2. how do i open the *spirit* app after i extract it?

  3. Very easy to use! Had my iPod Touch with the Spirit Jailbreak ready to use in about 2 minutes.

  4. this is very simple to use and very effective.

  5. very very thanks,its working perfect.

  6. spirit for iOS 4.0 ?

  7. i was trying spirit but then i clicked “quit” and now it’s stuck on restart and restart
    can someone please help me

  8. i deleted a package from cydia and now my ipod wont turn on please help!!??

  9. Dude thats sick! and i love that game too lol. SO could that be done on ipod touch 3.1.3? I have snes4iphone and ive seen it played on a wiimote with iphone too but idk if u can do it with itouch

  10. btw my comment was about the video of super mario on iPad

  11. @Eddy Try holding the power button.

  12. What is this ” ssh ” ? When I done the jailbreak on my Ipod 3.1.3., I noticed this ssh, do I have to do a change to the default root password, or is this for IPhones only ……….. many thanks

  13. i tried this for my iphone 2g 3.1.3 and on the computer it says its donr but my phone it stuck on a color loading screen….. been like that since i did it 3 hours ago help!!!! what do i do????

  14. I have ipad v 3.2.2. Jaibreak say it’s not supported. Why is this?

  15. Hey, All of us simply adore the website. It is actually a really good piece of writing. My partner and i look forward to browsing more fascinating topics that you may be submitting in the forthcoming. We have all acquired a whole lot by this. Thanks for the tips. -Reginia Paek

  16. Hi! Can anyone tell me,if I can use Spirit Jailbreak,after having upgraded to OS 3.1.3,using Itunes.Note that I am using an Iphone 2G.Thanking you in advance.

  17. Rrsc

  18. Can’t wait to see if it works

  19. This is cool

  20. I want download cydia please

  21. gud

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