User Reviews
Lady's Days

Gentlemen, avert your eyes. This app review will be about Auntie Flow, so unless you want to know more than what you’ve learned in fifth grade sex education, reading this review will probably not do you any good.

Ladies, we all know (and bemoan) about one of the biggest differences between men and women: the ability to procreate. Unfortunately, this ability comes from rather messy consequences when one doesn’t have a bun in the oven. If you’re trying to get said bun in your oven, you might have to stop relying on blind luck and instead focus on the numbers game your body seems to be playing. There is a very tiny window in which you can conceive (barring any sort of medical interventions), and you’re likely to miss that if you don’t keep track of this bodily function. Vitzu’s app, euphemistically titled Lady’s Days, is one that can do just this.

Lady’s Days

If you need more explanation behind the idea of charting your period, read the text under the Info button. You’ll likely have to read it anyway, to accurately set up your cycle length. Under Settings (the third tab on the bottom), you can set cycle length and menstruation length, as well as set up Push Notifications to remind you just before your cycle starts. There is also an option to password-protect the app, so only your eyes will be able to see this private information. Once you’ve set up the lengths, add the first day of your cycle to the calendar by tapping the + button and making sure the Yes button is selected. Your basal body temperature can also be set from this menu. From there, the app will generate expected start dates of all future periods.

If you look below the calendar views, you can see a legend as to what the highlighted days mean, including the days you can expect to conceive. Tapping the Stats tab can also show you the length of your cycles in bar graph form, as well as the fluctuations in your temperature in line graph format. To women who have ticking biological clocks, Lady’s Days can be the answer to planning the conception of Junior. It is extremely simple to use, as it is the app that does most of the work.

Lady’s Days

All we have to do is make a note of how long our cycles are, and take our temperatures. Even if you aren’t trying to have a baby, the future charting is good for planning your life. Unfortunately, this simplistic model doesn’t give a lot of wriggle room for inconsistencies, so if you’re not fairly regular, this app would probably do you no good (and if you’re really irregular, you should probably go get that checked out). I’d like a little more sophistication in the charting system, because maybe I don’t always start on the third week of the month.

AppSafari Rating: 3/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Lady’s Days at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Lady’s Days was written by on January 29th, 2011 and categorized under App Store, Calendar, Events, Health. Page viewed 8333 times, 6 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Lady’s Days”

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