User Reviews
Bad Air Day

No matter how prim and proper you may be, farts are funny. There’s just something about flatulence that tickles the funny bone, and it’s done so for a very long time. You can even find fart jokes in Chaucer. No, seriously! So with that in mind, it was only a matter of time before a high quality game came around celebrating the delicate art of the elevator fart.

Bad Air Day puts you in the role of a hapless elevator operator who just couldn’t resist the siren call of the taco bar. Now he’s stuck with some serious stench clouds eking out of his butt while shuttling sensitive hotel guests from floor to floor. Naturally, getting fired for flatulence is just about the more embarrassing thing you can have on your resume, so it’s up to you to carefully funnel the deadly gases away from the guests so you can keep your job.

Bad Air Day

As you might expect, corralling farts can be a complicated process, but you have a few helpful things on hand to keep the elevator from getting overly ripe, the most important of which are the fans. Located at the top of your figurative prison, they alternate sides in sucking the noxious fumes away, so if you can manage to swipe the gas cloud over to the fan without encountering a guest’s sensitive nose, you’re home free.

Unfortunately, the hotel’s colorful guests come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and some of them will even move around in an irritating fashion, which makes moving the death blossoms around a serious obstacle course. At any given time, you might find yourself surrounded by snooty old ladies, yappy chihuahuas, clowns on pogo sticks, and more, and all of them have noses. If they bask in your butt blast too long, eventually they’ll explode. Killing guests isn’t generally appreciated by the management, so do it more than three times and you can kiss your job goodbye.

Bad Air Day

Luckily, there is also a creepy little fart fairy who will show up every once in awhile. The fart fairy loves the scent of butt, so if you get the cloud over to him, he’ll suck up the stench until he bursts. The fart fairy isn’t a guest, so blowing up those suckers is encouraged.

As you might expect, the game is mostly going to appeal to a certain sense of humor, but even the more “sophisticated” out there should be able to appreciate the charmingly unique cartoon visuals. There’s a huge cast of characters stepping in and out of the elevator, and each adds a new level of challenge and humor the game. Unfortunately, because each level is effectively the same (get rid of the fart before the guests find out), things do start to get repetitive rather quickly, but I was pleased by the overall level balance and the responsiveness of the controls.

Overall, it’s a very simple game that many will probably write off as kid’s toilet humor, but I was surprised at how much fun I ended up having with this one. The levels are short and sweet, backed up by superb visuals and appropriate elevator background music, and despite the crude subject matter, it’s never really offensive.

Bottom line: it’s a gassy good time.

Here is a video demo of the Bad Air Day app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Bad Air Day at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Bad Air Day was written by on February 18th, 2011 and categorized under Action, App Store, Games, iPad apps, Line Drawing, Physics Based, Universal. Page viewed 7293 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Bad Air Day”

  1. Luckily, there is also a creepy little fart fairy who will show up every once in awhile. The fart fairy loves the scent of butt, so if you get the cloud over to him, he’ll suck up the stench until he bursts. The fart fairy isn’t a guest, so blowing up those suckers is encouraged.

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