How to Redeem Promo Codes
Redeem Promo Codes on your iPhone or iPod Touch
- Open the App Store application on your iPhone or iPod touch
- Tap the Featured Tab
- Scroll to the bottom of the list
- Tap the Redeem icon
- You will be taken to the Redeem page with an input box labeled Code
- Type in or paste the promo code into the box
- Tap Redeem
- You will be prompted to enter your iTunes account password.
- You will see a confirmation page and the app will start to be downloaded.
- Note: There is a 20MB limit on downloads over 3G by ATT. If you are redeeming a larger app while on 3G, you will see a warning and your device will continue the download process once you enter an active Wi-Fi zone.
Redeem Promo Codes from your MAC or PC
- Open the iTunes application on your MAC or PC
- On the top right of the black menu bar, click on Sign in (if you are not already signed into your iTunes account)
- Now using the same menu on the black bar with your username choose Redeem from the drop down options.
- You will be taken to the Redeem page in iTunes with an input box.
- Type in or paste the promo code into the box.
- Click on Redeem
- You will be prompted to enter your iTunes account password.
- You will see a confirmation page and the app will start to be downloaded in the Downloads section of your iTunes, and once completed will appear in your Applications section. Sync iTunes using the USB cable with your iPhone or iPod touch to get the new app copied over to your device.
Update: Great News for non-US fans! App Store promocodes are now redeemable by iTunes users worldwide. Apple has lifted the US Only restriction.