User Reviews
iTouch Map

iTouch Map provides Maps and Directions for iPhone and iPodTouch users. There is a variety of ways to browse cities and states around the world and get directions powered by Google Maps and an iPhone user interface. Touch the map near the edge to move to a new area and use the + and – buttons to zoom in and out. Pinching gestures are not supported.
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AppSafari review of iTouch Map was written by on September 15th, 2007 and categorized under Maps. Page viewed 16725 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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24 Comments to “iTouch Map”

  1. unfortunately you can’t grab and pan the map like you can on a PC

  2. nice

  3. thx

  4. cool dude.

  5. Can I get some DOWNLOADABLE apps please.


  7. Please Read the Help section. There is nothing to download for most of the apps listed, they run in Safari, hence the name of the site appSafari 😉 just type the URL in Safari on your iTouch. In this case the url is

  8. How in the world does it know where you’re located? I’ve got the application on my iTouch (WiFi connection only) and it’s a mystery on how it knows my current location (as long as I’m connected to the internet) no matter where I am at the time.

  9. some shit

  10. @Mike

    The GPS chip.

    @George and mr.x

    All you have to do is convince Steve Jobs that the API is stable enough to let developers play in and you can have downloadable apps. It’s Apple preventing you–not these people.

  11. very good

  12. i just steal everybodies iTouches and iPods.

  13. I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING??? i just saw a Satellite picture of my apt. I am indoors, so a GPS I would think would not even work…this thing should only have WiFi??

  14. How do I enlarge the screen in my safari or mobileme to be able to read — tap what?

  15. Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing ? 🙂

  16. its the internet. when your located it sends information to ask for what adres the internet is beig provided so wen you conect your i touch is asking the location off the server and thats how it know were you are

  17. This is not on the subject above, but is there any map application that can be loaded on the Touch that does not require an internet connection such as Streets and Trips or Garmin’s Maps. I don’t have internet access on my Touch but I would like to be able to look at maps like I can when I have my laptop with me.

  18. how to download the maps to ipod touch


  20. Maybe you should edit the post name title iTouch Map – iPhone Apps, iPad apps & iPod touch App Reviews to more catching for your subject you create. I liked the the writing withal.

  21. Need free app to get live police scanner please

  22. Sorry dat wuz I need free police scanner app for my iPod itouch please

  23. Need free police scanner app for my itouch iPod please

  24. i wanted Moab Utah. Map kept sending me toWashington.! Tried several times

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