User Reviews
New Year Resolutions – 2011

Did you know only 10% of people follow through on a resolution plan? So, why do people have so much trouble sticking to their new year resolutions? Experts say it helps to set small, long term goals, have a reason “why”, then have friends and family remind you along the way. Want another way to remind yourself? Grab yourself a copy of the free app, New Year Resolutions – 2011 by xCube Labs and get to work. The app comes pre-populated with some popular resolutions on your list and you can add more manually, or pick from a larger list of resolutions. The app is labeled iResolve on your iPhone for short. The design of the app uses lined paper graphics and easy to read fonts. Need some nagging? The iResolve app icon will have a red counter indicating how many of your resolutions you have yet to accomplish. You can then turn the numbers off one by one when you go in and check the “accomplished” box for each resolution.

New Year Resolutions – 2011

Each resolution can have a few parameters to help you focus. For example,you’ll state that you “resolve that” you will “exercise regularly and get fit”. Then you have to manually type in a description for how you plan to do it in the free text field. It would be great if the app offered a list of tasks or ideas as well for each resolution for you to choose from, though having to type stuff in does force you to think about what you plan to do. Finally to make sure you don’t forget about your resolution, there’s a Reminder that you can set for each resolution either daily, weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly, or yearly.

New Year Resolutions – 2011

Besides getting in shape, some other popular resolutions are:
Spend more time with family
Learn a new skill
Go green and help the environment
Get organized
Quit smoking
Learn to say no
Learn a musical instrument

And for good measure, a relevant resolution listed in the app is: Control App Store spending. Good thing this is a free app. So go ahead and make it happen in 2011.

AppSafari Rating: 3.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download New Year Resolutions – 2011 at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of New Year Resolutions – 2011 was written by on December 29th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Free, Notes, Productivity. Page viewed 5649 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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