User Reviews
WeeMee Avatar Creator

Before the blockbuster movie got all the attention, Avatars were just cute little characters that represented you online, and this iPhone app is great for making your own. WeeMee Avatar Creator is a new iPhone app from WeeWorld that lets you design your very own avatar using 250+ items which you can then use as your AIM buddy icon, Contact photo in Address Book, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, or even just save the full size photo as your wallpaper on your iPhone or iPod touch.

If you own a Wii or have seen how the user creation system works, you’ll love how WeeMee Creator works. You can create as many avatars and assign them to your iPhone contacts so it shows up on the iPhone when they call you. Or just send them to your friends and show off your creativity. Using the app is very self guided and simple. You pick a gender and customize up to 14 different parts each with their own set of options. You can customize body parts like the head, belt size, eyes, hair, and facial hair. Clothing options are hats, sunglasses, shirts, pants, and shoes. Accessories include food, gadgets, sports, music and more. Finally you can pick a background scene from 13 different scenes. What’s cool is that you can change the colors for any of these items easily by tapping the paint bucket and dragging to your favorite color.

When you’re done with your WeeMee, give it a name and save it to the Gallery section. Go to the Gallery tab to view the selection of precreted characters, plus the ones you’ve saved there. Tap on any picture to view it at full size. The full size screen lets you Edit the WeeMee, Assign it to Contact, and Export an image file to your Photo gallery that you can use as a wallpaper.

It’s really fun playing with the WeeMee creator app. It makes coming up with your own custom avatar really fun and easy to do. It would be great if the app let you choose your own photo to use as the background instead of using the provided ones only. It would also be great if you could export out the file at different sizes that match their intended uses, such as AIM vs. wallpaper for example. Additional body part styles and items would be great in the second version as well. Overall, be sure to grab a copy of WeeMee Creator and have some fun with it. It’s fun to add personal flair to your iPhone wallpaper and whip out great looking new icons with little effort.

Update: I enjoyed playing with this app so much that I decided to use it to create Avatars for all the Aappsafari authors.

Update: WeeMee app is now Free supported with Ads.

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download WeeMee Avatar Creator at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of WeeMee Avatar Creator was written by on February 20th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Featured, Fun, Productivity, Utilities. Page viewed 7871 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “WeeMee Avatar Creator”

  1. This app is really cool, I have created a lot of avatars in it. Really enjoyed

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