User Reviews

eBuddy is a powerful chat app for the iPhone that supports MSN, Yahoo, AIM, GoogleTalk, ICQ and Facebook! You can use eBuddy on your mobile Safari web browser or download the free app from the App Store for your iPhnone or iPod touch. You need to create a central account with eBuddy on first use which serves as a single sign on for all your other instant messaging accounts and buddy lists. When you sign in with your eBuddy ID, all IM accounts connected with this eBuddy ID will login automatically. So, you do not have to type your username and password for each IM account everytime. Also you combine your IM and social network accounts with eBuddy into once single list.

Got 3.0? Get Push! One of the best features in eBuddy is push notifications. This means when you close the eBuddy app, you remain logged into your accounts behind the scenes, and you will get alerts if you get a message while your eBuddy app is closed. And not to worry because, eBuddy will automatically reconnect you if your Edge, 3G or Wifi connection is ever lost. In the settings of eBuddy you can set your sign out time in minutes: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or immediately.

Other settings and option are: Sound and vibrating notifications, auto correction, alert on new messages, hide offline buddies, and sorting by name or group or account.

The eBuddy app lets iPhone users switch between chats simply by swiping the screen horizontally. Don’t like english? Not to worry, eBuddy supports different languages and supports multi-lingual chatting. You can also shake your iPhone or iPod Touch to send a buzzer. Buzzers are like emoticons that you can use to give some life to your chat messages.

Again, you have 2 options for using eBuddy on the iPhone.
1) The old url to access eBuddy on your Safari web browser is
2) The new eBuddy app that you can download and install is in the App Store.
We definitely recommend downloading the free eBuddy app because it supports many additional features over the web based version.

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download eBuddy at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of eBuddy was written by on July 13th, 2009 and categorized under App Store, Chat, Featured, Net, Social, Utilities. Page viewed 26279 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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50 Comments to “eBuddy”

  1. Como puedo abrir la aplicacion de msn desde mi iphone…


  2. hmmm….. Doesn’t seem to want to load on my touch. Perhaps it is because the touch’s user agent is slightly different.

  3. Perfect! Works really well on my iPod Touch. Clear interface and never got disconnected! The emoticon button really spices things up.

  4. how do i download and put on ipod touch

  5. hahha. This is the bet thing since sliced bread either. Than…toast

  6. how to I download this to my iPhone?

  7. nothing to download

    Open Safari on your iPhone and enter

    it works in your browser

  8. email me

  9. This might be a dumb question, but are any of these free?

  10. Does anyone know if any of these apps have a sound when a new instant message comes up? Just wondering cos i think that would be awesome to have.

  11. This is kick ass! Awesome stuff right here! works fine!

  12. how can I download ebuddy to iPod please send me a link where i can download it directly by my iPod touch and get like a new icon

  13. It’s quite boring

  14. you can download using app store search or google it on your itouch

  15. Yup

  16. does it cost to go on ebuddy on the ipod touch?? Thankyou

  17. Man just go to then press the + button then press put on home screen and tada you got eBuddy.

  18. I looked in the app store and nothing was there. I searched on google and it came up with this (it was a little help thanks) and some useless junk

  19. I just have one question.
    How do you put up your own display picture?

    because when I was looking at the pictures before I downloaded it I saw that there was a picture of people and I’ve been trying to change it but I don’t know where to go and it’s not in the FAQ’s

  20. Oxette, it’s now in the App Store

  21. […] of similar iPhone apps that combine support of multiple IM protocols like BeeJive, IM+, Nimbuzz, eBuddy and […]

  22. […] of similar iPhone apps that combine support of multiple IM protocols like BeeJive, IM+, Nimbuzz, eBuddy and […]

  23. Boo!

  24. itz the best app on the app store but since the update it keeps crashing and now I can’t get bak into it. plz sort out this problem!!!

  25. […] till now Windows Live Messenger users have been using either Nimbuzz, IM+, Beejive, eBuddy, Meebo, Trillian and few others to chat on the iPhone over the Microsoft […]

  26. Yo yo yo peeps, check out the new Fonwar IM Pro Instant Messenger at Here. I’ve just created an account and its easy to use. Best of all, I can access all my other accounts including facebook and MSN via this new app! Cool rite?

  27. Hello everybedy

  28. I love iPad2

  29. […] Ebuddy For Ipad na web: App Store – eBuddy Messenger 20-01-2012 · Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about eBuddy Messenger on the App Store. Download eBuddy Messenger and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad … – ver The iPad adventure | eBuddy Blog We love gadgets here at eBuddy. We love new technologies even more, because they challenge us to take our products to new heights. eBuddy exists for only – ver eBuddy iPhone app review – iPhone Apps,— eBuddy app review for iPhone and iPod touch by AppSafari – iPhone apps, iPod touch apps and iPad application reviews, honest reviews of top rated iOS apps by App Store experts … – ver […]

  30. […] Ebuddy Ipad na web: App Store – eBuddy Messenger 20-01-2012 · Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about eBuddy Messenger on the App Store. Download eBuddy Messenger and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad … – ver The iPad adventure | eBuddy Blog We love gadgets here at eBuddy. We love new technologies even more, because they challenge us to take our products to new heights. eBuddy exists for only – ver eBuddy iPhone app review – iPhone Apps,— eBuddy app review for iPhone and iPod touch by AppSafari – iPhone apps, iPod touch apps and iPad application reviews, honest reviews of top rated iOS apps by App Store experts … – ver […]

  31. This is a great app because it’s integrated with several other chatting apps, but I think WhatsApp is taking its place.

  32. Love this app! Just don’t forget to check out the new Fonwar IM Pro Instant Messenger at Here. I’ve just created an account and its easy to use. Best of all, I can access all my other accounts including facebook and MSN via this new app!

  33. I didn’t really like this app…

  34. Great app. Central of IM’s very useful.

  35. I think much better watsapp

  36. I do not know why, but not like this app.

  37. I like your reviews on applications for iPhone. This was another useful, already knew this application.

  38. I really liked it! Very good to know! Thanks!

  39. Very usefull information. Thank for this article so important.

  40. I really enjoyed the information! Thank U.

  41. Particularly did not like this application.

  42. these reviews are always good.

  43. I tried ebuddy years ago…but now only whatsapp

  44. I did not know eBuddy, but I will try. Thank you!

  45. I had some troubles to download it, but i finally made it.
    This app is awesome!
    I really like it

  46. This is a great app. I really liked it!

  47. Very good your opinion about eBuddy, congratulations on the article!

  48. I liked it.
    Thks for the information!

  49. this app is great

  50. Very good, i liked it.

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