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Send greetings over Email or SMS at no cost to you. You can also publish greetings directly to your Twitter account.

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
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Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Greetings was written by on September 30th, 2008 and categorized under App Store, Email, Utilities. Page viewed 8736 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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12 Comments to “Greetings”

  1. I just noticed that recent updated version doesn’t display list of sent Greetings and their replies. It just stays blank and filed with any information. Not sure if it’s a bug, new Application version is not compartible with a new Apple 2.2 Software update or something else, but I used to check the notifications and read replies on my Greetings. I use emails, not sms’s via Wi-Fi and it used to work just fine until last week.There is obviously some problem with application as my email account works well, as it was before updates.

  2. I started using this application and it worked fine. Afte a few weeks none of the greetings I send were getting to its dentination. ITS not working at all. Whats the problem?

  3. Since the last update, Greetings “message” page does not list the sent greetings and replies like it used to. I have also been experiencing problems with other users receiving the greetings. The messages page is blank now only. I am hoping that there is a fix soon to come as this application has been wonderful until just recently.

  4. I sent messages to the developers of this problem over a month ago & have not received any feedback. That was over a month ago. This is discouraging not having the list of sent greetings & replies. This app is also not offered in the app store. What’s up with that? Does anyone know if there’s another app like this for I prefer SMS my greetings, the other apps i see doesn’t specify if it does SMS.

  5. i had purchase this app when it was $.99 and now its free but i really liked the app and just recently i had to get my replacement iphone and when i got the new phone it erase everything that was on the phone including this app and now i am trying to download this app but i cant find it on the apple app store so plzz let me know where i can get this app back thank you…

  6. I am looking for this app too. I just synced with my new laptop and this app disappeared and I cannot locate i in the app store. Is it permanently removed?

  7. Please let me know status. Thanks.

  8. Huh,?! Why do I get emails with other’s comments ?? Where is unsubscribe options and when did I subscribe the news from this website? I am going to treat emails from here as spam until I get unsubscribed. Cheers and best of luck.

  9. My friend has this app for his iPhone… I think it’s amazing and want to get it, but I can’t find it ANYWHERE… Plz help me purchase this app so I can enjoy it! 🙂

  10. Greetings is an amazing app that I would like to get but cannot find it.. this is my second message and I sent you a couple of emails and find it very disappointing not to get a response. How can I get this app???… please notify me asap via email. I would appreciate ANY response. Thank you

  11. I think I had this app for my phone about a year and a half ago. I bought another iphone and if this is the one I’ve been looking for this app for a long time now. I loved it! It’s telling me that it’s not available in the US. What the heck? How can I get this? Please help me….

  12. Where is this app? I can no longer find it. It was such a great little app…

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