Poll: Are you switching carriers on your iPhone 5 and why?
The new iPhone 5 is coming out and a lot of orders have been placed already. In fact they have “sold out” of them already.
Question here is: What carrier did you, or will you choose, when ordering an iPhone 5? Are you switching or keeping the same carrier? Please use the comments to discuss your reasoning behind your decision. Factors we are looking for are voice call quality, receptions, fees, contracts, data speeds, data fees, unlimited (aka throttled plans), family history etc.
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In case you were wondering, here is the definition of the the word Unlimited:
un·lim·it·ed [uhn-lim-i-tid]
1. not limited; unrestricted; unconfined: unlimited trade.
2. boundless; infinite; vast: the unlimited skies.
3. without any qualification or exception; unconditional.
4. Finally this last one was contributed recently by AT&T and it means, We can change the definition of Unlimited anytime we want using a new policy, and pay people who don’t agree with us.