User Reviews
Game Cheats

Game cheats and hints for most gaming platforms. Get came cheats for the these consoles: Dreamcsat, GameBoy, GameBoy Advanced, GameBoy Color, GameCube, Macintosh, NES, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, PC, Playstation 1 & 2, SNES, and Xbox.

Update: GamesRadar is a brand new iPhone app that has over 60,000 of game cheats, and guides, and you can download it for free in the App Store. Read the review here.

Try with TestiPhone

AppSafari review of Game Cheats was written by on September 27th, 2008 and categorized under Fun, Reference. Page viewed 96402 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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526 Comments to “Game Cheats”

  1. Can u post up some ipodtouch games cheat…..I really need I it…

  2. Sim City shake your iPod to get to the cheat screen.” Pay tribute to your king” will unlock extra rewards,” i am weak” makes everything free, “you don’t deserve it” unlocks all buildings exept for rewards. That’s all so far.

  3. I made a comment on sim city and bugdom 2

    Bob Nuthead

  4. Bugdom2 on the main menu in triple tap the upperleft corner and you will get to chose your level. When playing bugdom on any level triple tap in the upperleft corner and it will finish the level with perfect score. That’s all so far

  5. On lemonade tycoon the ingredient is 5 lemons 3 suger and 3 ice. That’s all there is so far.

  6. I will get more hints tips and cheats later. I’ll bookmark this website and tell my friends about this site.

  7. And lemonade tycoon

  8. Soon millions of people will know

  9. Hey are there any cheats for the racing live game?

  10. No That Game SUCKS!

  11. wut about imob

  12. What about World War cheats

  13. On stick wars if u play a game pause it a tap on a open part(were there is a button) and u should have 50,000i think and 50 slaves and 50 buliders to fix it castle

  14. Yea is there anything at all for the world war app

  15. This is not much of a cheat but more like a path of which most people take on tradewinds2.
    As most people notice the enemy ships get stronger quite fast throughout the game keeping up to the latest ships and cannons is difficult.But once you start getting like 20-50k or more from winning battles , use most of it to repair and restock on cannons (thats what you are meant to do)and with the remaining mount of money use it on the spread bombs that are 1000 each.They come real handy.Abuse them its a real money gainer and survival technique.

    Firearms are one of the best ways of money buy loads of them and make sure its a short journey to another place.
    be smart when trading think “is this really a good enough deal”? Using this technique I gained 6mil in 5 minutes 🙂

  16. need cheats for world war

  17. what r some cheats for racing live/

  18. on world war add nnm1um and 121ru1 for a level nine and level 17 alliance members

  19. Add 3JHRJ5 to your world war allience

  20. i need cheats for real soccer 09

  21. Does anyone have cheats for stickwars?

  22. Does anybody know cheats or hacks for the app “military might” on the iPhone? Please…..

  23. Any one know cheats for simcity? I know…

    You don’t deserve it,
    Pay tribute to your king,
    I am weak.

    If there are any more cud u plz submit them here?

  24. For stick wars you:

    1. Play the game
    2. Press the pause button
    3. Tap in the center 6 times fast unitl you hear the words


  25. Thx Exloy! That Really helps.

  26. Hey is there any cheats for toechgrind??,plzz I need then fast!

  27. For touchgrind you spin the wheel until “about” is in the middle and then touch the “o” in options which is to the rite of about. It worked for me 😛

  28. 😛 😀 :O ^_^

  29. Any Simcity HINTS Plz/

  30. My Heart Won’t beat again!! Man I’m a douche bag.

  31. Oh and on touch grind u get a wierd board when u press o

  32. Hey cheese douche? Wats my heart stuff

  33. Theres an app like that? That makes no sense 2 me… My real name is Andrew Brolly and my email is


  35. hey people add me 1p1414 in world war. im lvl 50 and i have very powerful allys


  37. Just started playing…need allies please add me 6y94wc

  38. 2u4mu?

  39. money cheats for world war? anyone?

  40. Any cheats for slots. I play and play and reach the top scores

  41. Is there a money cheat for world war that gives me a crapload of dollas?

    (Be sure to have your volume on

    When you start a new game or your continued game, kill maybe 1 or 2 guys then press pause, here just tap six times on the middle of the screen,(this is where the volume part comes in) when you do that you should hear “CHEATER” out of nowhere and that means the cheat was successful. Im not sure but i think this gives you like $50,000 and 100 prisoners and something else.But if you want to do the cheat again, i suggest you only do it 1-3 times per level or else your game or iPod touch/iPhone will glitch like crazy.

    Hope this helped

  43. Need help on Fling level 12 with 7 puzzles left

  44. hey, on touchgrind if you pause it click replay then follow the fingerdots, click where your right ringer has been the whole time and hold for about 20 seconds, then quit with your finger still there then enter a new game then lift the finger up, do an ollie then u will automatically get 1,000,000 for it :):):) its worked for me and 2 of my mates, so good luck chuck

  45. this will get you loads of cash: 5xkmfv

  46. FRor World War for Iphone there are only a few “cheats”. One is a refund code for outages etc they give to grumpy consumers. Type in 6UF2T2 and you will get 35% of your total assets in cash back!

  47. um on world war chears were i type them in?

  48. Is there any cheats for stick-Fu

  49. On simcity I got a little over 400k people how do I get them to leave

  50. ADD ME World War dy554v

  51. ADD ME for World War dy554v

  52. For World War Add me XW6N34

  53. If you add Jyu55v into recruit you will get a billion dollars i am on of the creators of the game

  54. If you add Jyu55v into recruit you will get a billion dollars i am on of the creators of the game.

  55. HCCNV9 for 1000k dollars guys, and if you keep telling people youll get a bonus of 10 % intrest in you bank!! its 100% fool proof, and storm 8 is trying to stop the cheat, but i keep reinforcing the cheat 😉 world war HCCNV9 then have fun!

  56. WORLD WAR NEW CHEAT!! that old cheat with HCCNV9 was overided (me and phil tag) use HCCNV9 only on YOUR pm times (dont add it on your am only pm) it will instantly give you both 5% bank intrest ONCE and for people under lv10 it will give a short hack so you can instantly attack ANYONE with sucsess. BUT units will have a higher break rate (no clue why) but add HCCNV9 also for 10 free honor points and if you tell others the code on THEIR profile, you get an additional 5 honor points as well as 100,000 dollars!!! remember to add HCCNV9 on WORLD WAR! cheat update hack will soon be released in 2010!

  57. world war cheats: hackers everywhere are cheating, i have found a mini cheat my moding my ipod, and then getting a bug into my allience code. my code is 7MVEHC and when you guys put it in, my moded itouch will eventualy auto accept your request.
    1. exp gain goes up by 50% on attacks against everyone.
    2. your bank will make you give 5% less tax income when putting money IN
    3. storm 8 will never know!!
    4. you can get a free promotional item that is RARE when you open a unknown shipment.
    5. you will not be attacked for about 24hrs every 5 days!!

    enjoy people!

  58. Ok I found a crazy glitch. U can get 20 invited with one code. Here’s how to do it. First of all u bc 56FEXB 10 times.  After you do that you bc the same code once the next day. After 30 minutes you will get 20 invites. This actually works!

  59. add us=] hvc4jr

  60. Just add me qq64ph lol dumb people thinking there’s cheats

  61. Add BYDSD7 to your alliance!

  62. Just add JCRGRG. im lvl 94 with tons of strong units =P

  63. add me to ur alliance in ww (4wfdps)

  64. sorry people could u all add me again on ww (4wfdps) i wont accept it till im level 15 because people with 1 peron in there alliance are easy to win againt and i dont have much money to buy more troops but i getting thare

  65. Add me R3GQM7

  66. add me for world war app..NZ1MU

  67. Add me: HD7UH2

  68. Add me on world war I accept all add me it’s m53u6b go and add hurry

  69. add me for world war please X7XQWC

  70. MP37V7 add me please

  71. add: 3quutq

  72. add me 7jd5jk

  73. yt4pds is the code of one of the developers of this game lvl 200, alliance 5000+ and he has one of the biggest ammount of ground sky water infantrie tahts known to the game aswell as getting over 500mill an hour!!!

  74. world war- d69qs0

  75. add meee


  76. add mee


  77. add me on world of war E29CRB

  78. Add ME


  79. DTWXPA add me on world war

  80. Hey guys, I’m in need of some allies in World War
    Add me, i promise to accept, i play it most of the time!

  81. hi guys id like you to add me in world war i need money and alliances my code is U9NAG6

  82. Add CJH44F please i’ll accept all. i need alliances/ (:

  83. gqw8k0

  84. 6RJP2B is a code thy will give u 1000k everytime u put it on someones profile

  85. to gain more alliance add 4k8fhm
    i have over 10,000 allies and will bc your code to them, if only 1% add you you will get 1000 allies straight away..simple
    having masses of allies helps when you start getting into wars as you can call on them to help sanction your enemies and crush them with over 1000 deaths per day its soo funny watching peoples stats get smashed, trust me they soon beg for mercy.

  86. Hey my code is rubmhx I’ll add all

  87. FJ5CSE

  88. NAWFM for ninjas live I AM A CLAN MEMBER! ALLIED OF A 701 MENBER CLAN! if u wanna join, ill give you either symbol in ninjas YOU MUST HAVE EMOJI!!!!!

  89. F3U7FA. I add all

  90. F3U7FA I’m lvl 100 and very powerfull i accept all

  91. a8d2up

  92. Add me – FJK9X7

  93. add me to world war and together we will take over the world, DVSQCJ

  94. add me N26U7E

  95. add me 5KMV85

  96. Add me to “WW” FCY2WC, THANKS!!!

  97. Add me!! 6s9thx

  98. add me plz 364WKC

  99. Add me world war sxbm98

  100. Adding 67N9JT gives you 100 allies automatically

  101. Adding 67N9JT gives you 100 allies automatically in world war

  102. in imob type donttasemedude to get tasers

  103. if you add me, I will tell my over 3620 allies to add you.

  104. In World War:

    If you add JTAQ4T to your allies, you gain 1,000,000 dollars and 1000 allies.

    That’s the only one I know.

  105. Any cheat for icopter free ???????????????????

  106. plz add X3TPRM on world war

  107. add me on world war NQ6BCC

  108. add me on world war

  109. If u r a girl and want some add TM59V4

  110. add 1R1M21 to alliance, and you get a random sum of money every 8 hours, its not a cheat just a glitch.

  111. HCCNV9 cheat has been replaced by SFYKCE.
    Try this now…

  112. n World War:

    If you add SFYKCE to your allies, you gain 1,000,000 dollars and 1000 allies.

    That’s the only one I know.

  113. world war

  114. SFYKCE you are full of shit. That’s your code I’m not adding you. My code for World War add me I don’t add you.

  115. i am a very loyal ally, WS9SFP I make no promises of fame or fortune, just that I will fight hard along side of you!

  116. add me read the name

  117. GC6G9K


  119. 9G3GA7 Powerfull

  120. A glitch in the game allows you to gain 1billion into your vault approximately 10 hours later, add ucbud8, also add me tyy35g enjoy the stuntman : )

  121. stuntman….that is the old code. the new one is 92n39c. enter that as a recruit and it will add 999,999,999,999 into your account..

  122. QNNHHR

  123. World Wars add me 🙂


  124. Add me N4WH42 and broadcast it to your allies plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz??????


  126. Add me plzz need allies MJYRSP

  127. add me

  128. add me Afras7 so that i can bc you on my 1000++ allies

  129. This people are full of BS their is no code that gives you money or 100,000 allies. There is a way to lvl up quick on World War but I don’t know how and don’t care. Add me 3N11N3 ?

  130. add me guys NW8KCW

  131. 7ftnka will get cash and allies by the 100000000 evry 8hours

  132. MD2GUV add and we can help each other.

  133. Add me RY3JM4 i add all

  134. pmqvt!!!!!!!!everyone add it, we have tons of level 200’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  135. Everyone add w7f39d for hood allience member

  136. Everyone add w7f39d for good allience member

  137. There is a back-door code that was left in the program that dramatically changes many of the random numbers the program generates in your favor. Including both damage you take and give during battle, amount of money received during battles and the amount of money your army receives daily as a bonus when you first log on each day. The code is SHY22Q

  138. Add pqvder for a strong fighter lvl 156
    thanks guys

  139. Stop putting your World War codes here. There is another section for that. I’m not going to add any of you. Please Stop.

  140. You guys how claim to has codes for World War are complete idiots. The reason being that you only use 5 times whatever your level is in allies. So at the max level of 200 you can only use 1,000 allies. No more.

  141. if you add HV2CGA to your allies and get 25 billion dollars per battle.

  142. 7ftnka is a gameer code from a code master who made the games you get 100000000 in aliance and money every 8 hours

  143. Ww cheat

  144. Here is what I’ll bo to prove you guys false. And I will post my status back here I will add two code that you claim to be “cheats” then if they are not “cheats” I’ll let you guys know. If they are not, don’t add them just email me @ for an entire list of codes. But please stop posting you codes here. post them @

  145. This code guarantees financial reward: vxkg7w

  146. Add alliance code – 2BWQXF strong we had about 93 people

  147. if you add SPY5QB the system will automatially generate 10 billion to you money everytime you win a battle


  149. add in the alliance code F9HH2T and your ipod will turn into an iphone with a year’s worth of free calls.

  150. Add me NQAG2K

  151. F6fakh….. Level 32 earning £5,984,500 an hour but have no gud units at moment and need back up, i will be a very very very powerfull allie in about a fortnight!!! 🙂

  152. does anyone know anything for racing live? i wanted cheats and how you make pictures appear in your name

  153. please add me to world war XBDHYG thanks ill return the favor

  154. Hey, I found this little glitch in the game. There is this allie “SPY5QB” that if you add him, everytime you battle and use this person as an allie, the computer somehow automatically generates 2 billion $$ for you. I dont know how it works. I dont know if this is a glitch or when they made the program they intended it, but its out there and it can help some people who are starting off in the game. So as SPY5QB and make some money, good luck 🙂

  155. if you add HV2CGA to your allies and get 25 billion dollars per battle..

  156. Please join me
    8jwwbn. Loyal???

    I need allies!!

  157. Add me UQNJEN I will except all.

  158. Add me naq28f

  159. mp37v7, ill add anybody and help you win battles… i have every unit

  160. There is a back-door code that was left in the program that dramatically changes many of the random numbers the program generates in your favor. Including both damage you take and give during battle, amount of money received during battles and the amount of money your army receives daily as a bonus when you first log on each day. The code is SHY22Q

  161. Thanks for sharing the code “SHY22Q” scott, it REALLY does improve the numbers. I did a little poking around online after I found so much success with the World War “random number generator” cheat code and found similar codes for a couple of the other Storm8 games. They are as follows: iMobsters=7U4DNF and Kingdoms Live=8DK6PN

    I’ll keep searching and sharing other cheat codes ONLY AFTER I’m assured that they actually work!

  162. does anyone know any cheets for stick bo

  163. DES only 1 cheat I found dat works does n e 1 no n e dat does work write dem for me n I will share dem with u ppl b9n3hu

  164. Add GDCRAM, you will get 150k per day, your girlfriend will never leave you, and you will never have problems with your car breaking down EVER AGAIN! And you won’t hate your life! Add GDCRAM TODAY!!!

  165. I found an extreme code that gives you 50 million gold on Kingdoms Live,66HK3U

  166. Add me 9Bkkdv

  167. Kingdoms 9BKKDV
    World War 7MMPBX
    Add me please!

  168. you are all losers

  169. Add N4WH42 and you’ll have 110 allies and 100 million dollars I added him and now i’m RICH RICH RICH!

  170. Add me DG8GYK

  171. Add me I’m in desperate need of allys HBQBXN plz

  172. Fwahahaha! Behold Mortal Knaves! The Beast Butterfree Has Awakened! All Who See My Wings Meet Death Soon After! Jailbreak Your iPod Touch And You can Play Pokemon Heart Gold on it, For Only £3! It is Great Stuff! I Suggest You Do It Now! Don’t Worry, It is Perfectly Safe!

  173. Hey y’all, add me on pets live, JPYKA

  174. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2M5STT FOR WORLD WAR ALLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  175. need cheats for world war

  176. @James Add N4WH42 and you get 1,000 million$

  177. Thanks Tom 9C7KMC really works, much appreciated

  178. just add TT7EDB

  179. Add me ill add u: kdutdy 🙂

  180. add atu8fc

  181. ???????????????????????????????????????????2M5STT WORLD WAR??????
    ?????R4DQSM iMOBSTERS??????
    ?????AEWNND RACING LIVE??????

  182. I pad sucks GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ipod touch 3d generation WHo wants to carrie a giantphone around plus its to expensive just buy an ipod or i phone!

  183. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2M5STT WORLD WAR, AEWNND RACING LIVE, R4DQSM iMOBSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  184. ipads suck. their to giant to cary around

  185. World War Cheat free 200k enter 8p6ebm

  186. MKM2QR on World War on the Iphone.

    Please add me as I suck at this game and don’t know what to do…..

  187. add me please JXYSAE

  188. ADD ME XD7JK9

  189. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ADD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iMOBSTERS R4DQSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RACING LIVE AEWNND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WORLD WAR 7JYTVX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ADD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  190. 7ftnka is a game created code and it gives you money and allies

  191. Add 9P7GKA and you’ll get 52,5 mil gold!! Many has tried and it actually work and you’ll be rich!

  192. 9P7GKA is in Kingdoms Live

  193. On world war if u add the code GGAAQR a new tab cums up saying hacks U can get bare money, units, buildings and presedent points

    I know it because my m8 works at storm 8 and it’s his marshal code

  194. I need cheats for original gangsta

  195. Seriously HYY5EM add me please i am trying to get a larger alliance. thanks, Nick

  196. Add me for World War H2CW97

  197. add me: BX7S9X

  198. Add me 3tghuv o have a big as s alliance and have some others with me who have over 3500 so u will never lose with us haven’t lost in over 400 battles

  199. Piz add me My code is 3JTS97 in World War Live I need help very bad cause i’m new at this game, AMERICA SOLDIERS ONLY, I’m level 15…!

  200. What up everyone!! ADD me im leval 63 need help please add me FKD3KG (1 Big B )add me and broadcast me to you alliance!!

  201. add please DPAY5G

  202. All Cheats R Block 4 WORLD WAR LIVE Storm8 did this 2 stop People from cheating, i know this cause I try all the cheats…!


  204. Fuck yall homies.all i wanted was some goddamn codes and yall motherfuckers on some other shit.wen yall motherfuckers get some goddamn good goddamn codes send me a good goddamn good email.if any of yall motherfuckers wana battle come see me on this hot ass game.. fmpysk(Ghost) bitch ass homies..

  205. Well, i was recently just randomly adding codes, and I seem to have found a leak in the system. I added the person WFSAD3 on World War, and once he/she accepted me, the upkeep for units become zero. Although it still shows that I have 670 million upkeep, i’m gaining 670 million or so extra an hour since the upkeep is now zero. So now i gain almost 2 billion an hour O_o just thought I’d share it with everyone, GO USA.

  206. !!!¡¡¡¿$/!:$:$/!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    IMOBSTERS R4DQSM RACING LIVE AEWNND WORLD WAR 7JYTVX??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  207. XQBYNB. No cheats as I’m not a bullshitter.

  208. Everyone add me on world war I need a bigger alliance. Pncxyq

  209. RWHS6H add me if you need an extra in your alliance

  210. If you type in 76nb2y to alliance codes u get infinate money

  211. 2pcr5p add me if you want bigger alliance

  212. Please add CUJW8W if u want 2 win

  213. MPHMXR

  214. 27XANE

  215. anybody got cheatz for origanal gangstaz max?

  216. ¡&!§§!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMOBSTERS R4DQSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!WORLD WAR 7JYTVX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RACZiNG LIVE AEWNND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  217. mrmhxr will get you 10 million dollars. you can do it as many times as you like. its a glitch in the system

  218. Add me I will make sure we fight hard and win every time.

  219. Well, i was recently just randomly adding codes, and I seem to have found a leak in the system. I added the person WFSAD3 on World War, and once he/she accepted me, the upkeep for units become zero. Although it still shows that I have 670 million upkeep, i’m gaining 670 million or so extra an hour since the upkeep is now zero. So now i gain almost 2 billion an hour O_o just thought I’d share it with everyone, GO USA.

    add WFSAD3 to get zero upkeep, amazing hole in the game

  220. T4ephx amazing cheat gives 100 power plants. Could not believe the instant wealth.

  221. Get five million every time u add xyegjn. His name is osama bin laden and you get soo much free cash to u

  222. Get one million every hour by adding THJYDM

  223. Need more crew members on racing live- 9YXTM4.

  224. Pls add AR3FGF i need alliance

  225. Please add CCY8DQ

  226. nu2t4

  227. For world war puttng in xjambm then waiting five levels some one said doubles your hourly rate I’m only four ahead

  228. If you sanction “pls add mqrsrn” you get good karma and also punish a farmer 😉

  229. 74PRF4 for allies!!!!

  230. I think this website is a piece of s**t

  231. Well, i was recently just randomly adding codes, and I seem to have found a leak in the system. I added the person WFSAD3 on World War, and once he/she accepted me, the upkeep for units become zero. Although it still shows that I have 670 million upkeep, i’m gaining 670 million or so extra an hour since the upkeep is now zero. So now i gain almost 2 billion an hour O_o just thought I’d share it with everyone, GO USA.

    oh and add me too please 3D66XS!!

  232. WORLD WAR 7JYTVX for level 36 Allie.
    IMOBSTERS R4DQSM for level 61 mobster.
    RACING LIVE AEWNND for level 43 racer.

  233. HP6H4B

  234. xjambm is the code There’s this really cool cheat that every one says you have to wait 15 levels though and I’m only eleven up put on xjambm and it’ll be some one who works for storm 8 I’ll update xjambm he only goes on once in a while xjambm

  235. Oh the xjam bm cheat is fir world war

  236. hd348t, add me now

  237. ar3rsg add please need allies

  238. On world war if u add the code GGAAQR a new tab cums up saying hacks U can get bare money, units, buildings and presedent points

    I know it because my m8 works at storm 8 and it’s his marshal code

  239. Wow thanks bro! It worked

  240. Ollie you ledgend!!!

  241. Ollie I love u

  242. Ollie man I wanna buy u a pint

  243. What worked???

  244. The top cheat on page 12

  245. It didn’t work for me… 🙁

  246. I’m ritch IT WORKED!!!

  247. OMG 9C7KMC worked a treat

  248. does anyone know some cheats for the Ininja

  249. does anyone know some cheats for the Ininja please help

  250. up4s49

  251. If you add UP4S494 you wil get not only money but 1000 allias and more ! It’s real i did it and it worked.
    You will be rich and powerfull !!!!

    add it people

  252. ADD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KHNYAQ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) =) x)x)

  253. N6DH5B

  254. add 2R4DPS

  255. QRCVYE – legit Auto levles you and comes with + 700,000 cash and 2000 honor points upon add !

  256. Holy hell dude if you add that post cody put and it adds somthing like II IC3Y II you stuff is like supered

  257. Keep getting attacked and lose? BWRTDF gives you 7 Turrets!

  258. I am a developer for Storm 8 and if you enter 2RETBC you get $500m and unlimited health

  259. Simon, Is it true simply to add your code that I get the money and unlimited health?

  260. add s7c2kr and it gives you UNLIMITED everything!!!!!!!

  261. It worked for me 2RETBC

  262. Some one til me that xjambm was a cheat it aortic of Is it’s supposed to hack the game and do different things fir everyone my friend said it multiplied his income by 30 for me I got 100 times my allies that you get with twnty points one said all he got was an Allie and 300,000 so try it oh and some one else it didn’t work untill the second try when the bot rejcted it

  263. Oh by the way my code is v8jc8j

  264. Add me 7EMJWG and you get $100000

  265. I found this cool cheat and if u enter frh6fx you will get $500 million and 800 allies

  266. People come up with bs codes like add me for 1 billion, these are obviously fake, my uncle produces this game and he gave me the code Q12ST, I’ve tried it and it gave me 178,276,987. A weird number I know but every time you do it, it gives u a random large sum of money. Give it a go it works. Also I promised my uncleI wouldn’t publish this code lol but he’ll never find out

  267. You people are really sick. Don’t cheat others by saying add xxx code and you will have different sorts of cheats. These are all faults. just tell people to simply add you.

  268. Please add me…..thanks y’all

  269. Please add me…..thanks y’all…for world war

  270. This is the only code you need AS9RAX. Enter that and it will open a hole in the bavk of your head so you can get skull fucked by the rest of these nerd loosers posting lame codes. AS9RAX, USA ONLY

  271. What are some Pets Live Cheats

  272. I have searched everywhere for codes for World War, typed in countless codes. This is the only one I got anything from. Good for 50 honor pts. Tu6wtm

  273. 55B4FQ add me

  274. since You people are dumb enough to believe that by entering xxxx code from liers, you will get bps, allies, ammo and the like. You might as well cast a spell in WW that you will always win. Wake up!!!

  275. As part of admin team states there are no cheats or magic codes that will give you success in this great war but there is one code that is meant for as a gift to welcome you & thankyou for purchasing the game which is TPUNPW & that gives you +100 defense & 270.000 in cash, hope this clears up any delusions,thanks® happy hunting.

  276. TPUNPW doesn’t work, surprisingly, it’s some queen called Ian!!! 2RETBC as mentioned before, Builds you a house, pays your mortage, unlimited ammo and completes all missions and makes you level 200 within 69 seconds

  277. Add 88888888 and get unlimited honor points. Happy winning. Convincing enough to make u all to add this code?

  278. Tpunpw is a real code, to avoid further problems try without caps on.thanks®

  279. I know it’s a real code, but nothing happens, why not say please add my code rather than pretend it’s a cheat ? There are no cheats, other than 9999999999999 for 1 honour point!!!!!!

  280. I just added tpunpw worked fine for me, I’m level 9 & have not been beaten yet wins 79 losses 0, pls add 12124

  281. See what I mean. The bottom line is “bluff about something and add xxx code” why not say “please add this code”. Easy to say it honestly than to bluff.

  282. There are simply no cheat codes for world war these people are lying but if you want an ally add tpunpw in the recruit section, as I say there are no magic codes the oy way in this game is build up your army the slow way. Tpunpw join me.

  283. Mack USA is right add tpunpw in recruit great code & the only one that works so far untill it gets hacked.

  284. Please add me FDS8J7 – this is not s cheat code but you will get you a good alliance member

  285. add me 3wrpp8

  286. Add me aj2be4

  287. please add FDS8J7

  288. vq48qq

  289. american only please add

  290. Xjambm did not work as a cheat so I got ma at the guys code he said he never heard of this site and he got rid of my farmers on heck of an Allie add him he said he will help any one also add me I’ll try to help you I’m not invincible like the other guy my code is cu3n5t

  291. Add me US6NDU

  292. So this guy tolde about this site my code is xjambm if you have problems with farmers I will try to help unless you over level 116 the avatage of them could farm me thx xjambm again and add cu3n5t for the guy that told me this thx

  293. what level do i get the loot of the amphibious command ship from?

  294. Lol at these people trying to get free stuff, I think it may only be me and a couple others able to get the free stuff. Me, knowing a Storm8 Worker, am able to get free stuff with a certain code. I’m not telling you the code so you can all die to my awesomeness. The code lets you battle people who are 20 levels below you, lets you change your WIN/LOSS count and gives you honor points. IF you really want the code, you can add me. I’ll give you a hint, I’m usually sanctioned and im with UK.

  295. add me XEK9UQ

  296. Storm 8 world war on iPhone………TPUNPW add this code right now.

  297. a cheat for worldwar and all storm8 games is jailbreak heres the way to do it first go to and download it then open it and then sync ur ipod/iphone to the computer n let it do its own stuf and then in a few mins it will show like a picture of differnt colors and wait 5 mins while it downloads and it will come on and cydia will show somewhere and thier click it and then you will be able to have differnt many characters and only for 3.1.3 filmwares and down *not the one who will be in trouble if you try this with the not requried filmware and ur ipod/iphone glitch* also download palringo lite the free application and join group worldwar10 and ask for dragz/leftover and ill teach you how to have many differnt characters on one ipod also how to get loads of honor points from one worldwar version /also this works for all storm8 games/

  298. which missions do i get the loot of the amphibious command ship from?

  299. which missions do i get the loot of the amphibious command ship from?

  300. PA38WU


  301. Add xgdkhm and you get 100 new allies 1 billion dollars u can use this code unlimited times I’m rich from it

  302. Hey people if you add me you will get 1 billion dollors!! NOT A JOKE. ADD QDGVKN. THIS IS NOT A SPAM

  303. If u add me to your alliance u get 1 billion dollars

  304. Add me and and get 150 invites but only get 1 billion.. My code is 7qmp8A

  305. Add me on world war. Part of the biggest allience on the game—- we have tons of ATMs that generate millions an hour for all our followers!! Alliance code is S23B4B

  306. Add me djpers

  307. Add me, my storm8 ID is simple: Nightmare321

  308. Add me on farm story ayie87

  309. Add me EWKSSY

  310. Add me 5hvcdp! Please, because i Need more People in my Alliance!

  311. add FVBC5E. it is a code that makes it a 50% less chance u will get attacked.

  312. To TIM… thought was scam but tryed it havent been attacked it 7 days….. thank you! thank you! thank you!

  313. i really dont care if u add but if u do i will accept 2ttjk9

  314. Add me CTFGEB i play hourly and will add anyone

  315. any1 got any good cheats for imobsters could rly use some thnx

  316. 5HVCDP You will get 1 Billion and 100 allies when you add this code. IT IS NOT A JOKE!!!!! ADD THIS CODE!!!!!!!!!!

  317. Looking for world war storm 8 cheat codes

  318. Hey! Do you want billions of money on iPod touch world war well I can get you it just add me BFHTW9

  319. Hey! Do you want billions of money on iPod touch world war well I can get you it just add me BFHTW9 just add me BFHTW9 we have a ATM just message me on world war and I will explain it to you so just add BFHTW9 we have ATM if you want to just message me and sa I am ready!

  320. UXCCMY

  321. mtm9tp

  322. K3SQS3

  323. This is not a cheat but if you add W62XPC I can tell you how to join a clan called the Rattlesnakes. This clan has 44 members and has all the backup you would need if you have a farmer on your hands. The only app you will need to get is palringo. Hope you join!!!!!!!!!!

  324. Add me UJN98V 🙂

  325. How do u get unlimited honour points on world war app

  326. Hey all im not gone lie and say my code gives you this and gives you that but i will tell you that i could help you if you have problems with farmers plz add——FQ7T7K and also if anyone knows any real game cheats plz let me kno id really appreciate it.
    lvl. 63 income 335 mil allies 3500 def stacked no lies check me out. oh yeh and anyone with real cheats email me. thx

  327. add JE9R8B im a good not saying this will give you thousands of allies just a good friend(hope the fact im russian wont bother you)

  328. my code is C5NBRR

  329. On world war go into duilding and then shake ur iPod and then u will have bought every thing and it will say 9999 and do the same thing for units(it’s free) ? good luck

  330. On world war go into duilding and then shake ur iPod and then u will have bought every thing and it will say 9999 and do the same thing for units(it’s free) ? good luck

  331. What is a duidling? And my code is ep3cgc

  332. Anyone got a full list of Loots versus the level you can find them on ?

  333. Add me world war. There are no cheats. Just people getting u to add. W6CMUD. ADD PLEASE

  334. anyone can teach me cheat code i love to be invincble n helps poor players against farmers

  335. who really knows abt world war cheat code pls advice

  336. you guys are dead if we do not get anything we will sanction you all the way

  337. How 2 get 9 billion dollers on world war on iPod touch then here u go the newest break in cheating histery just add 5k6rxt your army this is not a fake!

  338. Add bm3ncg to get 1 billion dollars and 100 new allies

  339. Check this code out. Add c7xxmu and you get extra allies and nuclear testing facilities. i thought it was fake. and a week later my transmission went out on my explorer. No that has nothing to do with the game cheats, but either do all these codes these morons are asking you to put it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  340. Get 10 billion, 50 in every unit and buildings,and 5 new alliance members with n58aw9……(NOT FAKE)

  341. please add me eveyone accepted AGBSHV

  342. add me accept every body fpqn6c

  343. jx93jq add me

  344. Hey guys I heard about this guy on tv he’s name is Joey his code is 3ft3ua and he knows how to give people money.. So if you add him he will give I think 1 billion I forgot what mine was.. So add Joey 3ft3ua

  345. FYI Joey is only giving 1 billion dollars for only 4 weeks so add his code quick 3ft3ua



  348. Joey Needs more people to add so help him 3ft3ua

  349. V5KMYA add me

  350. please add me JGACGV

  351. hey ya’ll i’m not good only level 17 but add me w863su

  352. Add SNJCNY

  353. Hey if anyone has palringo join this clan called icaf.. This clan needs more people but it is really powerful.. I repeat if anyone has palringo add this clan icaf



  356. Please add me my code is ffcerk I’m level 31

  357. !!!!!!!!!!7JYTVX WORLD WAR!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!R4DQSM IMOBSTERS !!!!!!!!!!!

  358. EVERYONE who haz WORLD WAR add me i am lvl 40 and am really good also i will bc alot and im on constantly unless i forget where i left ware my ipod iz lol

  359. 9auxm6

  360. PEH5HB, add me

  361. please join the group fire eclipse all u need is the app palringo and add the group fire eclipse we NEED more members add me w62xpc

  362. add me w62xpc

  363. M2aeyy

  364. add me on world war ipod h3bu5n

  365. Q7B343

  366. vvttf4

  367. Please Add me 7G2CUS

  368. g87w5t addme

  369. please me alliance code NKF35V

  370. X9CWF8

  371. I need money for world at war for iPod

  372. please add me eveyone accepted GQEQGR

  373. add me to your army n4msaq

  374. i think i found a cheat i added code s6skcx i only got 1 million but its worth a try.
    add me wr3txf

    try it and let me know

  375. Add me 5MN7E2, thanx all

  376. Please add me : STFW7W

  377. Hey get an alliance of 2356 !!!! AWESOME … PRWRGB ……. WORLD WAR IPHONE

  378. adding this code does ot promise loads of cash easy wins but it does offer you the chance of upto 80% higher attack success dont be left behind the code is G F A M R X

  379. PRWRGB ADD ME world war ipho ne

  380. if you need an alliance add me :$


  381. You should add me I’ll add anyone m4xje

  382. Add me on we it’s qweq2x I need helps!

  383. hey guys write in the search of installous points and find world war300 install it open it an you will get 300 honour points.add me T5VHB5

  384. Put this code in recruite and get 100 members in your crew QM77G5

  385. IN racing live Put this code in recruit and get 100 members in your crew QM77G5


  387. Hi on Racing live if your over lv 200 if you add the luck bot you recieve 100pp and 20% extra on gettin double money for a streen job.
    It only works on lv 200 + and is only valid untill the 23/11/2010 0.00 EST After that i believe the member will be gone! and the xmas code will be out!
    the code is PQKWHA

    Their is one for lv 100 + but i cant remember it, but ill find out and post it

    Please bear in mind these codes are BC to select LV200+ people, They will just tell you invalid code if you are below lv 200. If you do not buy PP in the game on a regular basics you will not have recieved this code as its only for the top 5% of real money spenders!

    Sean (not my real name! Just call me the storm 8 leak as i work for them!!)

  388. Hi on Racing live if your over lv 200 if you add the luck bot you recieve 100pp and 20% extra on gettin double money for a streen job.
    It only works on lv 200 + and is only valid untill the 23/11/2010 0.00 EST After that i believe the member will be gone! and the xmas code will be out!
    the code is PQKWHA

    Their is one for lv 100 + but i cant remember it, but ill find out and post it

    Please bear in mind these codes are BC to select LV200+ people, They will just tell you invalid code if you are below lv 200. If you do not buy PP in the game on a regular basics you will not have recieved this code as its only for the top 5% of real money spenders!

    The code for lv100+ is outdated, a new one wil be avail on 1/11/10

    for now if your lv 200 add PQKWHA

  389. PNW4AA add me pls.

  390. Please add 9fq6nw


  392. Add me @ 56CTVB for a powerful ally!!!

  393. add me on world war—I ACCEPT ALL

  394. add me on world war—I ACCEPT ALL

  395. Add me on world war for money tips jjwcd8

  396. Hello, Not CHEATS, but there is a few people on most games that has battled their butts off for me and I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND adding them…


    Good Luck, now go kick some butt 🙂

  397. I had this weird thing in world war on 3G S on latest IOS. I bought a supply depot and in the same time gained 2,000,000! when I continued doing this, the money I gained raised too, in last minutes, I was getting like 4,000,000 per one supply depot. the buildings worked normally, I just gained money when i bought the depots. When I received my next payment it didnt work anymore. So there is some kind of glitch, I dont know how to do it again.

    I have the older world war app with the tank applogo, and the new one with the jet applogo.

    I used the older version just a moments ago because it supports multitasking, something to do with that?

  398. Please invite!!




    For storm8 World war!

  399. I got this cheat from a friend that works at storm 8. If u add this code REN4TD u would get about 60 invites to ur amry or ur energy increases one of the two will happen it’s comes from one of the first players on world war so as a token he will send u those invites. It alittle but hope it helps. Players can’t not give money to other player so beware.

  400. add both of theses!!

    Thank you!


  402. world war C3XYU3 I am level 290


  404. Hey I need cheats for world war cuz I’m sick of dealing with the idiots who nonstop attack me that already used cheats and bought like a million of the powerful weapons

  405. I was adding a friend and accidently typed 6DY3KV .
    After doing so, I noticed that everytime I put my balance in my vault, I would have that balance replenished.. eg. $2,500,000 in the vault ($2,250,000) i would have another $2,500,000.. did it for about and hour straight and it still works

  406. Add me, my code is pvwd2c

  407. please add 2H58KJ

  408. FRor World War for Iphone and Android there are only a few “cheats”. One is a refund code for outages etc they give to grumpy consumers. Type in B3H4UW and you will get 35% of your total assets in cash back!

  409. For all who want level 100 world war accounts and full list of cheat codes for free!!:1st. Sign on to your paypal account(if you don’t have a paypal account go to to create your 100 percent secured online account). Use the send money tab and type in for the email. The amount should be $20.00 in USD- U.S. Dollars exactly. You should recieve a dispute within 5 minutes with your money back and your acount upgrade. The transaction should be repeated for cheats.

  410. KR73AJ

  411. There are no codes!!!Add me please DD8PGQ

  412. Look it’s simple. In order to get a 10 Billion Dollar Income and 500 Honor points for Storm8 for free all you have to do is to write GST8T4 in the alliance code box. I know a buddy that did this and became a level 300 in less tan a month. He also hasn’t lost a battle in over a month cause he has so much money to but buildings with and build up his defense….Hope this helps!!!! Good Luck!!

  413. New ww cheat found make sure you have 200 cash or more though otherwise the cheat doesn’t work. Type 42753F into alliance and you get 10000 honor points and an inncome of 1000000 an hour all the others that have tried this have not lost a battle in a long time an oh ya one other thing … You get a straight promotion to lvl150 (o did not make this cheat I found it)

  414. Add me, powerful ally: 4MR84R

  415. rphra7 there are no cheat codes but i will help u get allies quickly just add me and send ur code i will bc u daily


  417. 3KEUJP

  418. 3KEUJP add the swagg

  419. 77TGTP


  421. MN3XYW – thanks !

  422. Please add my world war code Y67HE2


  424. cannot get the stolen car parts at NYC

  425. Hi Racers!
    On storm8 Racing Live from 4th Dec 2010 untill 29th dec 2010 @ 11:59pm Any player of level 175 or higher that adds PQKWHA to their crew will recieve our Christmas edition Enzo and also 50 pp
    Check out for more offers and freebies!

  426. EU4W4C add me!

  427. World War: 32D8RY. Please add me.

  428. Add me very strong lots of friends CTHMC8


  430. I no how to get 75 free honour points all you have to do is add me M97KD2 when i reach 500 allies i will roadcast it . i am now on 290 allies so add me and broadcast my coad to get the free points. !!

  431. I know a cheat On World war if you add FWFD52 you get 1 billion dollars and 100 alliances

  432. Search: The World of Magic on the Appstore for a great MMORPG! The best on the iPod Touch 😀

    Add me, LoveSick, in game on the Lanos, BIGMAMA server. The best game there is >_

  433. On racing live if you add 6b3jty you get 1 billion dollars and 100 crew

  434. Qjjhkt ADD ME!!!!

  435. Qjjhkt ADD ME!!!! World war

  436. 57c87t

  437. 3RGRKU and 2CNBTW

  438. This app is great, I don’t want to lie about cheat codes like some of these losers that like wasting our time so, I’m just gonna say I am a great person to add and I have some of the strongest allies like Inkstone and Damonster ATM, my code is BCHNP3 , please add me.

  439. Hello my fellow players! I am about to go down in World War history by buying 40,000 refineries! So if you want to be my friend I only have room for 50 ppl. I have posted this on other World War Chat websites to! So you better hurry up if you want to be in my alliance! My code is BCHNP3 , so good luck trying to be on my alliance!

  440. Add me to World War please


  441. Add me pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! MJ2PA9

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  443. storm8 world war game cheats for cash

  444. Add M4BNNA. This I a hacker who has made loads of accounts and if you add anyone of them you get 100Xp 100,000 money and 2 alliance members.

  445. Add BQBBNJ – not because cheats exist (they don’t) , but because I’m a badass Ally to have, and you’ll be that much stronger with one more person in your alliance.

  446. I am in need of money cheats or a ton of allies this guy keeps farming me I want 2 up my defense but he farmed me out of over 100mill in the past month if there is a hacker that can tell me how 2 mod money hit me up on WW

  447. Add SFPDG9 on world war for alliance

  448. Add P5A9RN on racing live for alliance

  449. Add VJK64Y on IMobsters for alliance

  450. Finally. A cheat that works. Probably best enter it fast, before storm8 fix it. Add this and you instantly get $44 billion dollars. Not bad!


  451. add 88jejx to get tons of gold and xp
    to clame ur reward attack the glich
    this is for world war

  452. Xy824w

    Cheat for ww, 10 honor points.

  453. does anyone hav any cheats for the DARK GALAXY app for iPod?

  454. J6UKFT for a strong ally

  455. J6UKFT for a strong ally on ww

  456. Add mfms64… My bad on the last post

  457. K6KMUH

  458. YG679Y

  459. 2GPKJT need allies, wanna help? Thanks

  460. Well you see here with world war it’s very hard to hack. The reason this is is because they store the data on servers and not you’re itouch! Therefore you can’t just go inside ure itouch and change all of the stuff! BUT I have managed to hack the server Wich I am in… Hmmm u seee the problem is only the people in my server can have the hack… Therefor only me and my allies! So to do the hack Wich I have set to give 100,000,000 honor points and an auto income of 10,000 and hour topped with a straight up level to 300… So first add the alliance of 42753F so that we end up in the same server! Now this bit takes some brain, preferably not one with holes in it , you have to restart worldwar 3 or more times to get it to activate and then here comes the tricky bit… Just go into world war and enjoy xD

  461. BelOw make that 50,000,000 an hour sorry for spelling

  462. WFAHWN 🙂

  463. Add me 992s7a.

  464. This is the funniest s h i t ever.

  465. Bob Nuthead

  466. CD4NJR 😀 world war

  467. Add XSBDXE for 250 free honor points but don’t spread this around I could lose my job keep this to yourself all you need Is no loot units then add this code and you have 250 honor points that’s equal to 125000 energy! XSBDXE

  468. Add XSBDXE for 250 free honor points that’s 125000 energy or if u are a high level up 2 1000000000000 dollars delete your loot units then add XSBDXE

  469. 42753F Ok guys to get world war level 300 + 100,000,000 an hour income and 1,000,000,000 type 42753F into alliance code then restart ure itouch

  470. 42753F BONUS PACKAGE add 42753F for 100,000,000,000 money an hour and 100,000,000,000 honor points including 100,000 energy and 100,000 energy ever 4 minutes AND level 300 once you have added 42753F restart ure itouch a few times for me it took 4

  471. Hey guys
    Anyone knows any cheats for tap mall,tap resort,bakery story,restaurant story and treasure story in IPod touch.

    Racing live: add 9YXTM4 and AEWNND n u get something 4 that

  472. add me 83t2jb world war

  473. WW: p8wgx3

  474. Add me.. world war (EDREYA)

  475. TJASRH add me I accept all invites.

  476. world war: H7KFX5

  477. BA43VF add me please!!
    thanks 🙂

  478. Good

  479. Wow ir rocks

  480. Wow ir rocksVfshcfhnxfirjxiwjxirbxyhs

  481. BA43VF

  482. add hnbt4q

  483. There is a secret back-door code that was left in the program that dramatically changes many of the random numbers the program generates in your favor. Including both damage you take and give during battle, amount of money received during battles and the amount of money your army receives daily as a bonus when you first log on each day. The code is SHY22Q

  484. Hey thanks for sharing the code “SHY22Q” scott, it REALLY does improve the numbers. I did a little poking around online after I found so much success with the World War “random number generator” cheat code and found similar codes for a couple of the other Storm8 games. They are as follows: iMobsters=7U4DNF and Kingdoms Live=8DK6PN

    I’ll keep searching and sharing other cheat codes ONLY AFTER I’m assured that they actually work!

  485. Hello ppls! Neo6574 here again! I’m not going to mess with you like some of these other desprate losers. I hate how they say their code is a cheat so you try it and it doesn’t work. So I am just going to say is that my code is BCHNP3, and I am a level 39 rising to the top. I know some of the best players like Inkstone and DamonsterATM and I can be a good link to them. So, add me. And if you are under level 40 I will not accept your invites unless you can prove yourself by beating me, leaving a comment that you beat me, then inviting me. Sorry I just can’t have bad people in my alliance. I’m working my way to the top.

  486. … just a note, Scott and GameWiz are from the same IP address and same email…

  487. If u want 999999999 dollars n 2986 allies on world war add 7j52av it is the latest money hack

  488. Is there cheats for modern combat: sandstorm


  490. psdqx8 come on will accept any offers

  491. 57C87T Add me i require many allies thank you

  492. Adme DS9BBB

  493. Add e2j69s to suck my balls!!!!!!!

  494. Add y8hjjc if u want to come to the Dark Side…i have cookies

  495. Add me please k4gdp5 any1

  496. hyhyp6, require uk allies, no cheats here sorry but if you want to build a uk alliance then add me. I have some of the best, Black Hawk, Optimus Prime, Service Crew and Mr Smith 9fmevn.

  497. Add me please k4gdp5 every1 thanks

  498. add me world war pt4cej

  499. World War Game Cheat below:
    Invite Alliance Code: QSJ52H

  500. Heyy hoes! put up some cheats for iphone apps!
    i like to do crazy hott thingss

  501. World war 9sn2n7!!

  502. Add me on world war 😉 my name alliance invite code is: YM4W6V

  503. Add e2j69s also there are no cheats for this game. People just trick you into adding them.

  504. Please add my new account 7dkqdr. I’m low leveled but I had many high accounts

  505. Add Y8HJJC if u want cookies XD

  506. Add Y8HJJC if u want cookies XD lol

  507. add me to receive 1 billion


  508. 432AB gives u $100,000 in cash. Not as much as the other codes out. But,it works on ninja live

  509. Need cheats for tap resort Please help me xxxxxxxxxxx

  510. add me peeps, my alliance code is:
    8BW 8XV

  511. Brand new hack****Vseqs8**** get 1,000,000 added to your hourly income!!

  512. Game Cheats is Great! i like it!

  513. Uqhfrd will give you £500000 as co creator off game

  514. yo im level 40 join me code is 7qf2cu

  515. Ad JDQY28 will help u when in trouble

  516. My code w2stsn add me

  517. QWBW9M

  518. Add xjambm or suckmydicl neither gives you anything there are no codes and I actually am part of storm 8 except to buy the honor points or jailbreak for them

  519. I have App Oh my gun HD. On level 312 I find it his impossible to get past so I have no hope of getting to level 500 unless someone out there can say. I’m wrong and tell me different Any help wouldbe appreciated.
    Thanking you in anticipation Brian

  520. THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!! Real cheat do exist..

    U hv to empty ur money put it to bank first..

    And add this code FQNNGE

    see what happend.. dont thank me

  521. 3449pf don’t use it it hacks your account and triples your level but u only get double money

    Add me xjmabm

  522. For last comment I was talking about world war

  523. Ohh cool I didnt know this informations.

  524. Wow! I can’t understand why I didn’t find out abot this this sooner, great job.

  525. 7MBNE3 Accepting all invites

  526. add please need allies

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