User Reviews
Link4 Online

Link4 from PlayMesh is an iPhone app that lets you play the classic connect four game on your iPhone or iPod touch live against other iPhone users. The gameplay is fun and simple. Just connect 4 of your pieces in any line to win. The strategy and planning that comes with the game is intense and online play makes the game quite exciting and addictive.

The first time you run Link4 it walks you through a series of setup steps where you pick your username and share some profile information like your sex, age group. Later on you can do more edits from the profile tab and even add an avatar.

The game starts out in the lobby where you have a chat room of Link4 users. Tap on the blue Play Link4 button to have the server find you an opponent automatically and tap a second time to enter the game. In the free version of the game you will have interstitial ads all over the place where you have to tap the screen to choose “Skip” or “No Thanks” in order to continue to where you were headed originally.

The board is classic yellow with black and red pieces. The game graphics are 3D, sharp and quite retro. The background music is surprisingly not annoying and actually adds to the playing experience here. Your profile is on the bottom and your opponent is on top. To drop your piece, just tap on the column you want and you see a slight highlight that shows where it will go, and let go to drop it in. If you change your mind just drag your finger away from the board. The sound effects are well programmed and realistic, like when a piece drops down from the top and hits other pieces.

While playing you can chat with your opponent, add them as a friend, see their profile information including ranking such as PlayMesh XP, Link4 XP, Rating, Games Played, Games Abandoned, Wins, Losses, and Draws.

The premium version of link4 removed the advertisements and gives you a special badge while you are in the chat mode. Both versions require a live internet connection to work as you are playing online, and are abandoned if you receive a phone call. You can change your orientation by turning off the orientation lock in the settings. Overall Link4 is a fantastic game with a large community of players waiting to battle you online. The graphics and sound effects are excellent and the replay value is quite high, especially when you have a quick 2 minutes to kill. Definitely check it out if you haven’t already.

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Link4 Online at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Link4 Online was written by on November 14th, 2009 and categorized under App Store, Featured, Fun, Games. Page viewed 9101 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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13 Comments to “Link4 Online”

  1. i dont think that the people should be so strict when it comes to the chat room for this app. my friend got banned from the chat thing because she said gay. and thats beyond retarded when there were people talking about sex and hooking up so maybe you should rethink what is worth being banned and whats not. try researching and interviewing how kids talk these days. and know that saying the term “gay” is a very common meaning for stupid, or lame. fix your application rules, because its just going to make you lose business when you have “GAY” rules.

  2. how do u delete an account?

  3. I love this game you can chat with friends, meet new people, and or just play connect 4 or link4 whatever you want to call it. I love playing this its soo much fun.

  4. its so SEXY rRRRRR!

  5. i think its alright its fun cuz u can meet people from all over the world see i met this girl from alaska she pretty cool and guys if u wanna talk like that go to a game no one wants to hear that crap

  6. U know wats funny it asks u to put a email adress i put one when i dont even have one thats kinda ‘gay’ i see were ure comin from Misty well this is all ull here from me guys!!!!!!!peace out.oh wait if u guys got this app ad me i need friends ZooZoo97 is my link 4 name if u want ’13 male’ bye

  7. joanna i have been trying to figure that out as well.since u probably have that app off ure computer try deleating it off ure ipod and download the app back on to ure ipod best of luck Zach Novero

  8. My daughter was banned from her BRAND NEW iPod Touch after only one month because of this app. and the same day she downloaded it too.

    She is 13 and even after telling a creeper she was 13, he begged – BEGGED her to send naked pics of herself after sharing their emails addresses in a private chat or whatever it is called. She DID send him a picture, however it was clean and he responded with more begging and a pic of his own. He was well over the age of 18.

    When we confronted him that she was only 13 and as her parents, we were asking him not to contact her again, he agreed not to, but claimed he did not know she was 13. I have the chats to prove he did.

    Of course, he first approached her unsuspecting self on the chat feature you are thrown into when you log in.

    Any chat online is a dangerous place for young teens and children, but the problem here is that as her parent, I had no idea she would be preyed on in a game like “Link4”.

    If you look at the age rating for this game, you have to ask yourself WHY this game needs a rating for mild sexual content, language and so forth. Really?

    It’s been 11 months and she still does not have her iPod Touch back, because I cannot risk the safety of my child to expose them to pervs on a kiddie game. What a shame.

  9. If the app developers don’t refer to this -review only- site for your feedback and complaints, there is nothing we at AppSafari can do for you.

    I am sorry that your child was preyed upon by an online predator. That is the risk of any kind of online application with open chats, forums, or messaging system. There are a variety of games out there that do not have chat rooms or any direct contact system in place and most of them do not open the door for pedophiles.

    For your daughter’s safety, I do hope you spoke to her in detail about how online predators find them, how she shouldn’t send her pictures like that, and how she really shouldn’t hold prolong conversations with someone who is being sexual with her by either deleting the app and looking for similar games (there are always alternatives in the app store), or by not using the chat at all and not paying any attention to it.

    These are my own opinions, not those of AppSafari, but any open conversational system is a prime place for this kind of thing to happen. Usually when you reveal your age group. Perhaps blocking or unsubscribing internet access on her phone and installing game apps for her would prevent further issues and allow her to use her phone again?

  10. This game is a junk, crash all the time, losing connection all the time, score are very unfair.
    Very addictive game, but poorly written and manged code.

  11. I am a 13 year old and I play Link 4 on my iPod Touch. The game itself is great but u can take 1 look at the lobby and think this game is perverted. Probably at least 80% of the games population spends freaking half their day in the lobby asking for pictures of 12 year olds and hooking up. WTF?! They also ask people what their FFM(Free Foto Messenger) was. It us a app on the iPhone that allows you to communicate and share pictures. No doubt those perverts want to see photos of pre-teens and kids.

  12. My account used to be chickenluver123 but somebody happen to create a account with the same exact name pretending to be me and was writing nasty things on the lobby and people thought it was me. I also find this cyberbulling which also really really needs to stop. Thanks. Please do something about her or delete or ban her from the game.

  13. Updates have ruined this game. Ads are annoying and looong. I get disconnected all the time. App can’t connect to the game server half the time. And now, as more people have abandoned this app, there are not enough opponents to play against so you get paired up against people with totally different skill levels. Fortunately I discovered another Connect 4 app called ‘Construct 4’ which is great. Hope that helps….

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