User Reviews
Plants vs. Zombies HD

Plants vs. Zombies for the iPad brings the hungry brain eating, screen door carrying, street cone wearing zombies to your shiny new iPad. If you haven’t played PVZ yet, and have an iPad, this is a no brainer as it should be your first purchase of any type of game. Plants vs. Zombies is like crack for your iPad. It will consume your entire day and night until you finish it.

If you’ve already played the iPhone version of Plants vs. Zombies, I don’t see why it would make sense to spend another $9.99 on this game again for your iPad, especially if you’ve already finished the game and have seen the ending song and dance.

But to be fair looks like Popcap have gone back to the lab and retouched the graphics in the iPad version and things look much crisper and higher detailed. Your front lawn, back yard, pond and rooftop are super shiny and new objects are sitting around too like a BBQ grill and a patio table and umbrella. The sky and clouds also look better and as with the entire game, everything seems to have fluid dynamics. Your items are now on top of the screen instead of the left side. The soundtrack music has also been greatly enhanced in the iPad version of Plants vs. Zombies.

Plants vs. Zombies HD

So, if you haven’t bought PVZ on your iPhone, get it on your iPad, and if you have already, maybe wait for a price drop (if it ever comes). Try to play your iPhone version of PVZ on your iPad in zoomed in pixelated mode, and you’ll probably want to grab this iPad version in no time.

Here is a video demo of the Plants vs. Zombies HD app on the iPad

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Plants vs. Zombies HD at iTunes App Store
Price: $9.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Plants vs. Zombies HD was written by on April 1st, 2010 and categorized under Action, App Store, Featured, Fun, Games, iPad apps, Resource Management. Page viewed 8991 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Plants vs. Zombies HD”

  1. trailer : all 11 fingers :)):)) that’s a best game ever… so so funny

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