User Reviews
A Little Turbulence

A Little Turbulence is a retro style game for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch developed by With LLC the features a little cloud trying to survive in the sky. You begin in the app as a small cloud absorbing other clouds to gain mass. Any red-tinged items on the screen have the capacity to harm you-knocking you back to the size of a small cloud. Any items on the screen that are not colored you can absorb or destroy for points. As you absorb other clouds, your little cloud grows in size eventually turning into a storm cloud. As you get bigger, the smaller items on screen no longer hurt you. Once you reach maximum capacity for your cloud, you go into rage mode where you destroy everything on the screen. You then revert back to a smaller cloud and must absorb more clouds to gain size. Small green-tinged objects appear on the screen. These power ups make your turn easier by automatically absorbing all surrounding clouds, destroying all red-tinged items on the screen and making you bigger.

A Little Turbulence iPhone app review

Once you open A Little Turbulence, you are re-directed to a splash screen. Tap the screen to start your iPhone app. On the next screen, you get four options: play game, tutorial, Game-Center and options. Play game starts the program. Tutorial gives you a 14-page description of how to play A Little Turbulence. Options lets you turn off the background noise and reset the application.

A Little Turbulence iPhone game review

Graphics, Audio, Controls
The graphics on A Little Turbulence are intriguing. It’s a gray scale program with a little mix of colors. Red objects represent items that hurt your cloud such as airplanes, birds, satellites, blimps, helicopters and hand gliders. Green objects represent objects that help your cloud. The program is intentionally pixelated to give an old school effect. The screen turns red during “Rage Mode” to alert you that something new and important is occurring on the screen. Your cloud becomes red-tinged and destroys everything on the screen. Underneath the app screen, you see a scrolling horizon of land much like you see on an airplane when flying. There is a song playing in the background that gives an Atari-style feel to the application. To control your cloud, you drag it back and forth along the screen to absorb clouds and dodge red objects.

I enjoyed playing A Little Turbulence by With, LLC. The application retails for the low price of $0.99 from the iTunes Store. A Little Turbulence works on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The background music for A Little Turbulence is slightly off-putting. I recommend turning it off during your play of the program.

This review of A Little Turbulence by With, LLC was performed using an iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1 firmware.

Here is a video demo of the A Little Turbulence app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 3.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download A Little Turbulence at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: With, LLC
Version: 1.1
Size: 6.40 MB
AppSafari review of A Little Turbulence was written by on April 27th, 2012 and categorized under Action, App Store, Arcade, Games, iPad apps, Universal. Page viewed 6580 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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