User Reviews

How well do you really know your basic math? Addix is a fast paced mind stimulating iPhone game where you add up numbers in a speedy frenzy to remove as many matching totals as you can before the falling tiles reach the bottom, while racking up your score.

The Addix app format is very similar to Tetris block dropping type games, but instead of bricks, you get these blue colored numbered squares that you add to match the row of goals on the bottom. Tap any two blocks that add up to the orange colored block. After you get an addition correctly, you enter the score multiplier mode, which gives you 8 seconds to get another one. The score multipliers can be repeated up to 8 times which might sound simple, but this gets really intense, and by the time you’re at 6th and 7th multiplier your brain seems to be thinking at the speed of light. There are also 10 achievements to unlock and after you finish a game, your score puts you in a category, such as newbie, clever etc.

There are always multiple options that add up to an intended total, so you have to use some strategy as well in Addix. Plus you always see the next 6 totals that you need to create, and can plan ahead on which numbers you might need in the upcoming turns. There comes a time in Addix when you might think, there is no possible way to come up with the requested number total with your given choices. But you have two options here as well. First you can change your total tile on the bottom by tapping any of the other total numbers you can solve for instead. The other option is the wild card, shown as a plus sign, that you can use with any other block whenever you see them.

If the game ever feels too slow for you, or your options seem unusable, tapping the orange score multiplier line on the bottom drops the next row of blocks down. You can pause and resume the game at any time, but you can not exit to the main menu, which seems pretty odd. Addix is a simple yet mind bending iPhone game that combines math with falling blocks that will give your brain a workout. The graphics are colorful and there is some entertaining background music too which you can mute if you like. We loved the Addix game on our iPhone and played it for quite some time before needing a break. A job well done by the PlayMobility team.

Here is a video demo of the Addix app on the iPhone

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Addix at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Addix was written by on October 1st, 2009 and categorized under App Store, Featured, Fun, Games. Page viewed 7345 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Addix”

  1. I had a lot of fun playing this game. I like math, and this game keeps your moving. You’d think simple digit math would be easy, but when the tiles start falling you really gotta think quick. Sometimes the numbers you need aren’t there, and then you have to move fast to clear tiles away to get the numbers you need. It’s quite a challenge.

    If you haven’t tried this game, you should put it in your repertoire asap. It’s fun, challenging, and you can play it at your leisure. It’s a very good game for a very good price.

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