User Reviews
Fitness Pro

It’s nearing the end of January, and by now you should be generally disgusted by all the holiday weight that’s just not disappearing on its own. This is where DataSupply’s Fitness Pro iPhone app comes in, to help guide you back to a better shape. Upon launching, you are faced with a list of exercises, nicely organized alphabetically by exercises that focus on a certain body part (full body exercises are found at the very bottom). Choosing an area, then an exercise from the resultant list, will display a picture of how to perform that exercise. Tap the button on the top right corner to read step-by-step instructions.

The second tab on the bottom, My Workouts, will help you keep on track by allowing you to set up a Weekly Scheme. Tap the + button on the top right to add another day to the week, or tap on a day to add an exercise (or two). After adding an exercise, you can further define your workout by adding sets to your exercises; the two options you can modify are Reps and Weight. An interesting aspect of this iPhone app is in the third tab, Anatomy. It displays a ventral and dorsal view of the human body’s musculature; tap on a section to zoom in and read about the different muscle groups. Under the definition will be suggested exercises for that muscle group.

Fitness Pro is clean-cut and very straight-forward–it’s there to help you get in shape, and it gives you all the means to do it (but you’ll still have to implement it on your own!). The only possible improvements are perhaps adding videos to demonstrate the exercise, or even moving diagrams if the developers want to keep the app on the light side. There is no music (wouldn’t it be awesome if this iPhone app gave you a beat to workout to? Or at least an option to play your own workout tracks?), and the graphics are bare minimum, but Fitness Pro encourages you to turn off that game/tv/computer and get off your butt…and it comes at the great price of free, which is more than can be said for gym memberships. Unfortunately, you do have to own some equipment in order to use most of the exercises, so the addition of more exercises that don’t require such things might be a bigger incentive to those who are used to a more sedentary lifestyle.

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Fitness Pro at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Fitness Pro was written by on January 23rd, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Education, Health. Page viewed 8892 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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2 Comments to “Fitness Pro”

  1. I think this app is really layed out.. However, I notice that once you add a day or add an excercise to a day that there is no way to remove it or edit it later.. I think this is an important feature.. Other than that very well done

  2. Deleting is actually possible. Just slide a row to delete!

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