User Reviews
Gym Buddy

Wanna track your workouts on your iPhone? Gym Buddy helps you track your progress, let’s face it, you won’t be having any for much longer. The best way to stay motivated is to monitor your gains, compete against your former self, and reap the satisfaction of growing stronger with every workout. But you also don’t want to walk around the gym with a pen and pad of paper. So what to do? Well, thank goodness you have an iPhone or iPod Touch! Gym Buddy is an easy to use, completely adaptable workout log. Define your exercises, plan your workouts, and log your sets by repetitions, weight, time & notes.

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Gym Buddy at iTunes App Store
Price: $2.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Gym Buddy was written by on February 10th, 2009 and categorized under App Store, Health, Notes, Productivity. Page viewed 16185 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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22 Comments to “Gym Buddy”

  1. Ever since the last update every time i finish an exercise during my work out and I back up to pick a new exercise it freezes up. I have to close the program and open it again, it is a pain!


  3. I have Gym Buddy 1.9, what do I have to do to get 2.1? Also, how do I add notes to a workout, I.E., time, place, who I workout with, body weight, supplements taken, how the workout was, stuff like that. I know I can add notes to an exercise but every day is different, every workout is different.



  4. I have the same problem. I thought the update was going to make it better!

  5. My version does not freeze up. Update your version.

    You can add comments under the weights section where it says “Add commtn”

    Versions should automatically update in iTunes. Alternatively, check for updates via iTunes.

  6. I’m a National Level bodybuilder and personnel trainer and I love the program.I’ve never had a problem with it.

  7. I love this app. I’d really like a desktop client that would allow an easier time to input new workouts instead of the tedium of inputting through the iphone.

  8. A desktop client for Windows would be awesome! Windows 7 and Vista.

  9. I love your program and I use it everyday. I have some suggestion that I feel will help. In the super set tab there should be a way to edit the super sets move an exercise out or move the order around without having to create a new super set. Also I would like to see a section to track body measurements and in the cardio I would like to see a section to include the heart rate and if you want to get really technical a section for the speed and incline used in the cardio machine.
    Keep up the good work. And yes a version for a desktop would be awesome.

  10. Incredibly awesome app. It is worth all 299 pennies and more. I do powerlifting and this app is totally configurable for adding max effort workouts and flush workouts as well as chest day etc. Logging sets and reps is very easy and even automatically repeats the last set for easy entry if you do many sets at once. I just added every lift I have ever done or want to do into the back up enabled data base.

    I am extremely happy with this app and if I knew how excellent it was, I would gladly pay $20 for it; it is that good.

    4 stars and kudos to this app. Thanks Guys

  11. Almost…

    This program is great but one problem: you can’t edit your already-entered bodyweight information! What if you need to edit one of the values? You used to be able to but for some reason it seems they changed it for the worst!

  12. It helps me a lot on my workout. I NEVER workout without it. You have all the last workouts saved so you don´t have to remember anything. You can improve week by week and measure it.
    It is a “must have” if you really want to workout seriously. It doesn´t matter if you’re a begginer or a pro. Excelent app.

  13. Was initially really happy and inpressed, BUT
    Mutiple WO’s for day cannot be entered and if you forget to enter something for your WO you can’t get back in to edit the next day?!
    Daily Burn seems like it might be as good/ better and has a website too.

  14. This is a wonderful information and after reading this information I think this is very important information for us to get back the shining smile.
    Thanks for sharing this useful article.

  15. Nice Posting! I appreciate with the above information.
    I have read the given information and I think that this is one of the best and useful information for us.

  16. I give it a 5 star!love the app!no more paper and loosing pense or bracking them in my pocket!lol
    thx for the app!!

  17. Gym Buddy,

    First I love the program.

    Second, are you gonna add the ability to exit the program and reenter into the same screen you just left? It seems multi-tasking has not changed my biggest (and only) problem with the program. You can’t switch your music or send a text while working out because you have to reenter the program anew.

  18. Good idea for the mutli task!and would be amazing that we could share are workouts!

  19. well i had this app before was my favorite by far, but had to restore my itouch, so now ive reloaded gym buddy, i cant customise anything, guess im doing something wrong, but have no problems with my other gym apps ive had to resort to

  20. you can now combine it with
    Gym Buddy Central 0.7 for PC!!

    awesome app !!

  21. Very good work. Well done. To make it better pls add an option to add a photo as example for an exercise and also a photo of the workout that is done. Also add a photo at the body tracker. I hope you understand my English. Ty

  22. I’ve been using this app for about 2 years and I love it. Yes there are some more features and options that I would like, but unfortunately the developer has stopped supporting this app.

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