User Reviews

If you’re just about as hopeless as me with clothing, consider Manufactura’s Sizer iPhone app for a download. Program a ‘bot to do housework for me? No problem! Edit a classroom’s worth of papers in a day? Done. Go shopping for myself? Suddenly I’m the world’s most useless adult ever. Let’s not even consider clothes-shopping for other people.

The name of the app pretty much explains it all. Sizer deals with the sizes of clothing items, from shoes to hats to everything in between; any item that you can think of, Sizer probably has (and even some that you probably can’t). This app not only has many clothing options, but also multiple sizing systems that you can choose from (since clothing sizes are not standard across the world): USA, European, UK, Japanese, and Russian sizing systems are included for most items. The very first thing the app guides you to do is to create a profile, using the + button at the top right. On the following screen, you have the option to pull the person’s information from your contact list, or you can manually enter their name and photo yourself. Once you’re done with those basics, you can proceed to enter in the sizes of all the clothing items you can. Sorry, I have no smooth way of getting someone (i.e., a girl) to reveal these things to you if you do not know them yet.


Another great thing about Sizer is that you don’t need to know all the sizing systems: just one. The app will convert the rest automatically for you, so you can basically shop in any of the other countries worry-free. Measurements will present themselves in two different ways: with sliders above and below (be sure to set the metric system first!). The one above will allow you to input the exact measurement, while the one below organizes sizes by country. Once you’re done with one profile, feel free to set up as many more as you want. You’ll never have to memorize clothing sizes for your friends and family ever again!


I can see Sizer being a particularly useful app, especially if I was a heavy shopper. I’d have all the size information that I’d need (if I was ever to pry them out of all my pals), so gift shopping would be a breeze, even overseas. Another aspect to consider would be its uses online: you could use Google to convert while you’re shopping on foreign sites, but Sizer is a great option if you don’t want to switch screens.

I haven’t actually done calculations for all the sizes yet, so I can’t vouch for correct conversions, but so far they seem to be holding out pretty well. There is noticeable lag, however, whenever I try to move the sliders, but that’s nothing that a good update can’t fix. The only issue that I can foresee is that sizes aren’t even standard across companies that are on the same continent. Thanks to vanity sizing and different production, a size 4 shirt can be a size 8 shirt for a different manufacturer. This defeats the purpose of having a size system, but that’s not really the fault of the app developers.

Sizer looks great and is easy to navigate, and there’s even a Lite version for you to try first. If you do a lot of overseas shopping, Sizer might be the right fit for you.

AppSafari Rating: 3.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Sizer at iTunes App Store
Price: $2.99
Developer: Manufactura
Version: 1.1.1
Size: 11.03 MB
AppSafari review of Sizer was written by on May 31st, 2011 and categorized under App Store, Shopping. Page viewed 5558 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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