User Reviews

GetGlue is a social networking app. by AdaptiveBlue, Inc. that allows you to connect with the GetGlue social networking site where you can check in and rate TV shows, music, books, movies, video games, celebrities, topics, and even wine. You can see what your friends are currently watching, reading, or listening to and share your preferences with them, too. When you rate things you like, GetGlue automatically gives you suggestions for other things you may like based on your previous selections. You can also earn points, stickers, and free stuff just by using GetGlue. This is the way to have it at your fingertips when you can’t be by a computer.

There are five sections to the app.- Check-in, Stream, Rate & Pick, Stickers, and You. The check-in section allows you to “check-in” by acknowledging that you are currently watching a particular show or listening to a certain music artist, etc. Once you check in to say you are doing something, you have the option of marking that thing as something you like, sharing with someone else by sending an email about it, or seeing similar things. You can also post to facebook or twitter.


The stream section shows you a stream of everyone’s recent GetGlue check-ins from most recent to oldest. If you tap on one of the entries, you have the option of going to the user’s page that checked in on the item or going to the page of the item itself. If you go to the item page, you can like it, get a description of it, email it to someone, see similar items, or read reviews of it written by other GetGlue users. Once you mark something as liked, the app. will automatically prompt you to write a review if you’d like to.

In the rate & pick section, you can choose albums, books, movies, movie stars, recording artists, topics, tv shows, or video games to like. Once you choose a category, you can narrow down the field by choosing based on sub-categories or from “essential lists” like “hot right now,” “favorites,” or “based on your tastes”. The only thing I don’t like about this section is that there is no search field. On the GetGlue site, you can search for something specifically to like it, where on the app. it is harder to find something in particular you may have in mind.

The stickers section shows you the stickers you have earned and the ones you still have to unlock. You get these by checking in to certain things from what I can tell. You can go to the GetGlue site directly to order free physical copies of the stickers you earn.

The you section is basically a synopsis of your activity and the things you like along with settings options.

This is a free app., so if you are a GetGlue user, I’d say it’s a must-have. It’s fun, easy to use, and has all the functionality you’d need to keep up with your GetGlue account while out and about. Enjoy.

Here is a video demo of the GetGlue app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download GetGlue at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of GetGlue was written by on July 7th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Free, Social. Page viewed 5653 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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