User Reviews
Wiki Tap

Wiki Tap is a wonderful and free Wikipedia app for the iPhone with lots of great features that ties together many pieces of data from around the web and grows it with its own user community. WikiTap uses special tools geared towards phone-centred community participation. Community members upload relevant videos, pictures and audio-commentaries into the larger knowledge community. A couple of truly unique features to WikiTap are:

– Question and Answers: Wiki Tap can answer common questions on the fly. For example: “gold at” finds the atomic mass of the Gold, and “cambo pop” gets population of Cambodia
– Spelling Corrections: Wiki Tap corrects errors as you type along the way. For example: “shwazzenegg” gets Arnold Schwarzenegger, and “sycholog” gets “psychology”.

Here are more great features in Wiki Tap iPhone app:
Easy Incremental Search – Autocomplete helps you narrow down your search terms as you type and results in faster searches.
Videos – most relevant YouTube videos associated with Wikipedia entries are shown to you in a scrolling band on the bottom of any page.
Use thumbs up and thumbs down buttons to show your approval of related social content such as photos and videos
Upload your own related photos either from your camera roll or take directly from the iPhone camera
The homepage always shows you local Wikipedia changes, this day in history, and more.
Definitions all have an audio pronunciation button, and retrieves results from Wiktionary.
Cached pages help low-bandwidth users

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Wiki Tap at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Wiki Tap was written by on July 8th, 2009 and categorized under App Store, Productivity, Reference, Search, Social, Video. Page viewed 7429 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Wiki Tap”

  1. An Interview with Bill Bartmann Discussing Bank Failures and Bad Debts

    According to Bill Bartmann, we are amid the worst banking crisis since the Savings and Loan crisis of nearly twenty years ago

    Tulsa, OK – The government announces the collapse of another bank, or several banks, nearly every week. “This is the worst banking crisis we have seen in over twenty years,” said Bartmann. Over 75 banks have failed already this year, nearly three times the total of last year.

    According to Bill Bartmann, more than 1,000 more banks will fail over the next eighteen months, costing the FDIC nearly $70 billion through the year 2013. Though bank closings are announced nearly every week, the process is lengthy. Bill Bartmann knew about the recent Colonial Bank failure nearly three months before it was announced. “We were offered an opportunity to look at the assets and kick the tires on this used car. We passed on it because it didn’t fit our appetite,” said Bartmann. During the S&L crisis in the late 1980s, Bill Bartmann began his debt collection business and bought assets from more than 800 failed banks.

    The FDIC has a very busy weekend once a failing bank closes on a Friday afternoon. They work with the institution to ensure the doors open Monday for depositors to access their money. They must get familiar with the bank’s operations and work with employees to ensure their pay and health benefits. Accounts must be transferred. “The customer in most cases sees it as a seamless transition, said Bill Bartmann. The next day the customer can go to the bank and his deposits are safe and exactly where they were the day before.”

    Since the FDIC was formed 75 years ago, no depositor has lost money on insured deposits. The agency recently increased their insurance to cover amounts up to $250,000. “That’s a remarkable history given the chaos our country has been through,” said Bartmann.

    Bill Bartmann credits the FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair with the agency’s performance during the current crisis. “I’ve been married for 36 years. If I wasn’t married to my present wife, I would chase this woman down,” said Bill Bartmann. “She has more courage than any chair of the FDIC to date.”

    Bill Bartmann expects to see many more banks fail as commercial real estate loans default and local shops we drive by every day go under. Bill Bartmann is the author of Bailout Riches: How Everyday Investors Can Make a Fortune Buying Bad Loans for Pennies on the Dollar. The book recently became an Amazon #1 world-wide best-seller. Learn more about Bill Bartmann and his book, Bailout Riches, at

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