User Reviews

When eating with friends, it is customary to split the bill evenly between all participants (exceptions: guest of honor dinners, uneven orders, extremely generous friends). Of course, life rarely works out perfectly and sometimes, there are people in your party that must be supported. Unfortunately, it’s also very easy to forget these quick coverage decisions. Eon Four understands, and presents you with their financial app, Deadbeat.

Deadbeat is meant to be used in such a situation, when someone has failed to pay in a group setting. You can add participants by tapping on the + on the bottom toolbar, as well as the amount that person paid by tapping on the $ button next to their name; if need be, add more to the amounts at any time. Once all the people are entered, make sure everybody in your party is selected. A pulsating ring will appear around the $ of the “deadbeat”–the person who owes the most to the selected group of people. Shake the device to choose a random deadbeat. To undo a transaction, shake the device while nobody on the list is selected.


To delete a person off the list, either swipe across their cell or tap the 3-lined button down at the toolbar. Beware, though, when inputting a person: just like Facebook, Deadbeat saves all previous information. If you want to use that person again, but with a clean slate, you’ll have to input their name in a different way. I found this to be a major pain, and can’t imagine why this app won’t allow us at least to clear payment history…even editing the names is forbidden. Creating separate events would be a fantastic option. Deadbeat is an app that you can only use in certain situations, which limits the need for it. I’d rather have a financial app that tracks people who owe me money/whom I owe money to. What it does have going for it is in design: smooth, uncluttered, and polished, it is beautiful to look at. Too bad it lacks the substance to actually be of use to me.

Here is a video demo of the Deadbeat app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 2.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Deadbeat at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Deadbeat was written by on February 7th, 2011 and categorized under App Store, Calculators, Finance, Shopping. Page viewed 7263 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Deadbeat”

  1. We at Eon Four really appreciate this review. We’ve taken the feedback to heart and updated Deadbeat to improve the mechanism for adding new participants.

    What’s new in Deadbeat 1.1:
    • Case changes to participant names are now possible
    • Added option to restore deleted participants without retaining their history
    • Contact list is now sorted by first name
    • Other minor improvements

    Thanks for helping us to improve our app.

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