User Reviews
Windows Live Messenger

Microsoft wants to bring in your social networks under its roof with its new Live Messenger iPhone app. Windows Live Messenger for iPhone and iPod Touch is finally official and available for free in the App Store. With this free iPhone app you can check your Hotmail, IM friends, view and comment on your friends’ photos and status updates from Windows Live, Facebook, and MySpace, and at a glance, see what your Messenger friends are sharing from Flickr, YouTube, and many other social and photo sharing sites.

Windows Live Messenger

Features of the app include:
– Send and receive Hotmail emails and get notifications when you have new messages.
– IM using Windows Live Messenger, Y! Messenger, and more.
– Update status for other networks including Facebook, Flickr and MySpace.
– Take and upload photos to share from your iPhone.
– MSN Smileys

Missing in the first revision are some basic features:
– There is no group chat support.
– You can’t block or delete contacts.
– You can’t sort contacts by status
– You can’t hide offline contacts

Up till now Windows Live Messenger users have been using either the web based version of MSN Mobile or 3rd party iPhone apps like Nimbuzz, IM+, Beejive, eBuddy, Meebo, Trillian and few others to chat on the iPhone over the Microsoft Live network.

Here is a video demo of the Windows Live Messenger for iPhone app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Windows Live Messenger for iPhone at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Version: 1.2.3
Size: 16.01 MB
AppSafari review of Windows Live Messenger for iPhone was written by on June 20th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Chat, Featured, Social. Page viewed 15409 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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12 Comments to “Windows Live Messenger for iPhone”

  1. Halo

  2. msn no iPhone

  3. No funciona en mi puto cell

  4. Bla

  5. how do you get live messenger on a ipod touch

  6. This messenger is terrible I have no protection from spammers can’t even delete or block stalkersrs stick with ebuddy!

  7. Rubbish. I can’t appear online to all my friends. I can’t always message my friends. All in all an epic fail. I rate you a 2 out of 5r and thats being generous

  8. b2k, try deleting the app then redownloading it. It won’t cost you anything and it might fix any problems that may come up during installation sometimes. If that doesn’t do it, try restarting your iDevice.

  9. I have del;eted it keep on deleting it and re-installing but same happens. Its doin my head in. I think i’ll just use safari for facebook. Till they sort it

  10. Why i cant be online on my iphone ?
    It always says that my email add and password are incorrect but if i use my pc it always work..
    What should i do, what appli should i download for me to have a msn messenger that work on my iphone ??

  11. How come when I go to the App Store and type in “windows live messenger” and it’s not there? And when I click on the link here, it takes me to the App Store and it’s says that the app is currently not available in the Canadian App Store? Somebody please help, I need windows live messenger!

  12. Hi – Anyone facing this issue? – I cannot sign into MSN Live Messenger on my iphone 4 and iphone 6s – I get an error saying “Alert-Network Error-ok”. So my question is…how can I manage to log in? Is there any way or method to change this as I have been struggling for the last three weeks to log into MSN messenger on my apple phones but to no avail. Please help / guide accordingly, Thanks

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