User Reviews

iPimp is a photography app. by Horn Soft Media that allows you take regular photos that you already have and “pimp” them out- adding everything from word bubbles to accessories to new body parts onto your chosen pic. Think you’d look better with sunglasses on in that one picture? Add them! Want to play dress up on a picture of your own body with different types of clothing? No prob. Want to see what your friend would look like with a giraffe head on their body? You can do that, too. There’s more than 1000 items to help you pimp out your pics however you want, allowing you to come up with new versions that range from comedic to grotesque.


Once you choose what pic you want to pimp out, you can choose from the following categories of pimping items: Head, Body, Skin, Accessories, Ambience, Themes, Flags, Frames, or PIP (Picture In Picture). Within each of these categories are numerous sub-categories. For example, within the Head category, you can choose from Heads, Hair, Eyes, Ears, Noses, Mouths, Tongues/Teeths (yes, it says “teeths” in the app.), or Beards. Along the bottom of the screen, there are more options. You can preview your pimped pic as you go, filter the pic with different color schemes, tune the pic by altering levels of red/blue/green or the tone/brightness/contrast. You can also add text to your pic, “flip” the pic so that everything is backwards, or delete the pic altogether. You can also save your pic as a full image or screenshot, or email your pic to someone.

One problem that I had with the functionality was that when trying to shrink or expand a pic or item that I was adding to it, the outer frame of the pic does not stay in a constant place. Instead of dealing with only the person or people within the frame or an item itself, the whole rectangle of the picture shifts very easily. It made some of my pimping difficult to do because the entire pic is so unwieldy.

Besides that small note, I really enjoyed iPimp. I can totally imagine myself messing with my friends’ pics and adding them to facebook or twitter to embarrass them. Or I could attempt to start a funny Internet meme. Either way, for $1.99 I get hours of fun that’s kind of like Photoshop for dummies- except there’s no way to make your butt look less fat. But you can have a clown nose, isn’t that cooler?

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download iPimp at iTunes App Store
Price: $1.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of iPimp was written by on April 9th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Fun, Photos. Page viewed 5077 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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