User Reviews
Wedding Dash

I suspect Wedding Dash exists largely as a way for busy brides to work out some of their frustration through casual gaming. A couple of my good friends are supposed to be getting married soon, and it’s been utterly mindboggling to me how stressful weddings can be. Finding the right person is hard enough, but then you heap things like the dress, the venue, the food, the flowers, and the seating arrangements on top of it all. It requires so much money and organization, it’s no surprise to me that wedding planning is a booming business.

The latest installment of the popular Diner Dash series, Wedding Dash introduces us to Quinn, a hapless bridesmaid who’s been roped into the role of wedding planner. Fans of Flo can relax though, since she’s still plenty present as Quinn’s trusty catering waitress. Once Quinn and Flo figure out they have a flair for the wedding gig, there’s no stopping them.

You start out by learning a few key details about the happy couple. For example, he hates chicken, she loves classic style, and they’re both avid skiers. With those in mind, you can confidently choose details like steak, a traditional white cake, and book them a honeymoon in the Swiss Alps. Once that’s done, you’re give the real meat and potatoes of the game.

Wedding Dash

Gameplay is extremely similar to the tried and true Diner Dash time management formula, so much so that I was mildly irked that the wedding reception functioned almost exactly like a restaurant. You have to seat guests, deliver their gifts to the couple, and keep everyone fed and happy. Of course, as with any wedding, seating arrangements can be tricky, and you’ll spend a lot of time making sure some people are together while keeping others far far away.

Flo is the one responsible for the majority of the footwork, and chaining similar actions is the key to success here. If you can set it up so that she serves appetizers to multiple people in a row, you’ll get a higher happiness bonus than serving folks one at a time. Quinn is no slouch either, since she’s stuck with tasks like comforting emotional aunts, chasing away bees, and preventing the catering table from going up in smoke. If the guests are happy, the couple is happy, and if the couple is happy, you get paid the big bucks.

Wedding Dash is effectively the same old thing as the rest of the Diner Dash series, so it won’t win over any new converts, but if you’re a fan of time management games in general, you’re almost sure to enjoy the polished appeal of Wedding Dash.

Here is a video demo of the Wedding Dash app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 3.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Wedding Dash at iTunes App Store
Price: $2.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Wedding Dash was written by on August 21st, 2010 and categorized under Action, App Store, Games, iPad apps, Time Management. Page viewed 6663 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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