User Reviews
Doodle Bubble

Doodle Bubble is a gaming app that combines your ability to match colors with the time it takes you to react: You are popping bubbles that match in color as quickly as you can before the boat they are falling into fills to the top. The game was released by Guangzhou Yingzheng Information Technology Co. for an iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad and costs $0.99.

The bubbles fall from above onto the boat in random order. They bounce around before deciding on a place to land permanently. As soon as you see two or more bubbles of the same color touching one another you have to tap them and they pop, making way for the next wave of bubbles. You get 10 lives, which are drained every time the boat fills to the brim, leaving no room for the continuous down flow of bubbles that waits for no one. There are a few deviants from the usual 6 colors which include, a color changing bubble that fades between all 6 colors, a psychedelic strobe-light bubble that lowers the speed, a bubble with a x2 on it that doubles your scores for 20 seconds, a bubble with a Technicolor windmill graphic on it that changes different color bubbles to the same color, and a clean up bubble with swirls on it that takes all of the bubbles of the same color out of the boat even if they are not touching. You are rewarded with any of these deviant bubbles called, “props bubbles” when you clean up the same color bubbles twice in a row.

Doodle Bubble

Although the game is simplistic, it does get challenging because as fast as you are at touching and eliminating bubbles, you cannot move them around, so you have to rely on the luck of the fall to ensure that one or more bubbles of the same color will land next to each other.

For some reason the words junk mail come to mind when trying to explain Doodle Bubble. I cannot tell you how many bubble-popping, color-matching app games I have played so far, but I am pretty sure it is in the hundreds. There is nothing particularly wrong with the app, it runs well and keeps me mildly entertained, but did we really need another app game of its kind?

Here is a video demo of the Doodle Bubble app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 3/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Doodle Bubble at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Doodle Bubble was written by on February 1st, 2011 and categorized under App Store, Fun, Games, Puzzler, Time Management. Page viewed 5683 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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