User Reviews
Railroad Madness

Railroad Madness is another great iPhone game in the same genre of other traffic management games like Flight Control, Harbor Master, and TaxiDrive. In Railroad Madness you are in charge of getting various trains to their destinations safely by coordinating their routes in the train yard. The game takes lots of thinking, concentration and advanced planning to master and soon gets quite addictive.

As the conductor, you must make sure your cargo and passenger trains arrive safely. Passenger trains must go to a passenger station while cargo trains have to go to their own set of stations. There are 4 vertical tracks and 5 diagonal train tracks that all intersect. Tap the arrows on any intersection to switch the direction of incoming trains. The tapping of the arrows is pretty much all you do in this game so you have to perfect your timing. Each arrow can go in one of 4 directions and each tap moves it one notch. The game starts out simple but soon the speed and frequency of different types of trains increases and so does the difficulty level.

Railroad Madness is a challenging game with an addictive nature and pretty slick graphics. A good game for the fans of traffic and time management fans.

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Railroad Madness at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Railroad Madness was written by on July 16th, 2009 and categorized under App Store, Fun, Games. Page viewed 7350 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Railroad Madness”

  1. I got the game for free, that I am thankful for. Would I pay the $.99 for it, maybe. It is a good game, but so many blogs say it is challenging. I guess in the first hour it was. I was getting only 40 trains to their correct places. Then I saw it- -setting the arrows to direct to one arrow and changing that arrow (and one other to prevent rear-ending) wow it is easy now- -I first scored 200, then just over 300, then to my current top score- -673. Now I only crash because of a phone call or an SMS. So I need challengers- -Who will step up and challenge the “Thai Master Engineer”?

    – -Thai Master Engineer

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