User Reviews
Casey's Contraptions HD

The iPad app Casey’s Contraptions is a physics-based puzzle game. It is made by Snappy Touch, whose goal is to make and release non-violent and creativity-based entertainment. The application features a little boy, Casey, who comes up with fun and adventurous ways to clean up or retrieve out of reach items. Sometimes using scissors to cut rope and release buckets or balloons. Other times you’ll need to connect pipes to lead a cue ball to a specified location. Casey’s Contraptions encourages the player to think outside the box, use their imagination, and be creative.

The controls are pretty intuitive. You drag the items from the bottom of the screen to use for your contraption. You use two fingers to tilt the item and you can double tap to make the item switch directions. You earn the ability to modify objects as you progress.

Casey’s Contraptions HD

The graphics in this iPad application are captivating and very well done. The action of each contraption is seamless. When you press the play button the picture comes to life. Balls drop, buckets swing, balloons float. After you complete a level you are greeted with cheers and confetti and Casey giving the peace sign. There are tips after every contraption to help you along with the gameplay.

For the 2.99 price tag, it is absolutely worth it. Besides, the replay value there are a lot of extras.
You can save up to six different files. Which is convenient if you have more than one person sharing the same iPad.
Additionally, the app is compatible with Game Center so you can see how you stack up against friends. You can also share your solutions and see your friends solutions as well, if they shared theirs.

Some other great features included are that there are many ways to solve the same puzzle which can cut down on some frustration player the may feel from not solving the puzzle right away. There are new items to unlock after certain levels. The further you get, the harder the levels become. Which saves it from any sort of monotony, that some apps suffer from.

Casey’s Contraptions HD App for iPad

The best feature, in my opinion, is the ability to create and share your own contraptions. You can choose the background where you want your contraption to be located. You then can choose the tools and items which will be needed to solve it. After you have completed your creation, you can share it with friends and with people all over the globe.

Casey’s Contraptions is an iPad app definitely worth getting. It’s both challenging and fun for kids and adults alike.

Here is a video demo of the Casey’s Contraptions HD app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Casey’s Contraptions HD at iTunes App Store
Price: $2.99
Developer: Snappy Touch
Version: 1.1
Size: 11.84 MB
AppSafari review of Casey’s Contraptions HD was written by on November 26th, 2011 and categorized under App Store, Featured, Games, iPad apps, Kids, Puzzler. Page viewed 6612 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Casey’s Contraptions HD”

  1. I have heard great comments about Casey’s contraptions but I cannot purchase it at apple store. Says it is not available in US. Want it for ipad third version.

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