User Reviews
Tooth Fairy Beacon

Tooth Fairy Beacon is a unique iPhone game designed to help kids communicate with the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy is one of those childhood mythical beings that you fervently wished a visit from, but this one doesn’t need a holiday in order to announce their presence. Oh, no…all this one needs is a time-honored rite of passage: losing your baby teeth. As compensation, the Tooth Fairy trades you money for your freed baby teeth–but why? Digital Apparatus’ app, Tooth Fairy Beacon, may provide some much needed answers.

Apparently, teeth have magic in them! The same type of magic helps power fading stars in the night sky, and the more well-maintained your teeth are, the more magic they contain. Tooth health is key to star power! Don’t worry, all of this is explained to the child in a fun “message” from a Tooth Fairy. I would advise the adults to go through the app beforehand, though, to set up the child’s profile. The adult would input the child’s name, gender, and how well they’ve been keeping up with their brushing routine. They also have the option of going through a guided tour of the app, one that explains every step so they can understand how to guide their child through it. Once the profile is set up (multiple ones can be made for more-than-one-child households), the app is ready to be handed to the child.

Tooth Fairy Beacon

After the Tooth Fairy explains about the inherent magic within teeth, your child is welcome to place the lost tooth on the screen to gauge the amount of magic held within. Once analyzed, the child will send up a beacon to summon the Tooth Fairy to the bed…who’ll only come after they’re asleep! Once the summons has been sent, please be sure to leave the child compensation for the tooth, or else the whole point of the app will be null. To finish off the mission, the Tooth Fairy will leave a thank you postcard, which can be shared through Facebook, Twitter, or email.

Tooth Fairy Beacon

Tooth Fairy Beacon is a very clever strategy to employ to increase tooth health care for your child. The feelings of satisfaction after achieving an important mission are prevalent, and the two customized backgrounds (one per gender) make each experience different (as long as you only have two children). I’d love to have more backgrounds, as the ones available are simply gorgeous in execution and detail–my personal favorite touch is the Harry Potter-esque font used. In fact, the only way to make this app better would be further customizations: perhaps you can charge up different stars, to try to make an entire constellation. Otherwise, this app is a fantastic tool, and made with obvious care; it makes me a little sad that I’m no longer of age to go on an important mission to help the stars.

AppSafari Rating: 4.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Tooth Fairy Beacon at iTunes App Store
Price: $1.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Tooth Fairy Beacon was written by on March 28th, 2011 and categorized under App Store, Education, Fun, Health. Page viewed 5704 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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