User Reviews
Elevate - Brain Training

The Elevate iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad app refines your communication and critical thinking skills. The methods used to cultivate your skills are engaging activities in an appealing interface. It is appropriate for professionals, but it is also appropriate for kids as young as middle school. The free download from the iTunes App Store gives you one set of tests each day, but a monthly subscription for $9.99 (or annually $59.99) gives you unlimited access.

elevate brain training iphone app review

Elevate’s introduction identifies areas to test and improve. You tap the screen “yes” or “no.” The topics include the following: articulate your thoughts more clearly, improve focus while reading and listening, improve focus while reading and listening, and improve your writing abilities.

You create an account with Facebook or email account. Facebook requires access to basic profile and list of friends. You add your age, and you receive your day’s workout.

Icons for each category of tests form a vertical line on the left side of the screen. You start with the brightest icon. Next, the object and gestures are provided. The focus of a writing test I completed was brevity. For each sentence, I eliminated the unnecessary word and was rewarded for speed and accuracy. At the end of the test, I saw where I ranked among other users and my progress in that topic. Another test incorporates speed reading and comprehension with a Tetris-inspired interface. The games are compelling and thoughtful, and the interface complements the sophistication of the challenges. You can monitor your progress by opening the left sliding menu and selecting performance.

elevate brain training iphone app review

With summer on the horizon, the premium version is a small investment to keep your kids productive and sharp. Elevate also hones professional skills that typically require a hefty investment of time and money. The premium versions are reasonably priced and cover 14 areas including listening , memory, and precision in speaking; refinement, syntax, error avoidance, brevity, and inversion in writing; comprehension, processing, connotation, contextualization, visualization, and agility in reading. If you are interested in productive games, then the Elevate iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad app is it.

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Elevate – Brain Training at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Version: 1.6
Size: 40.39 MB
AppSafari review of Elevate – Brain Training was written by on May 28th, 2014 and categorized under App Store, Education, Free, Games, Productivity, Word Games. Page viewed 44994 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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63 Comments to “Elevate – Brain Training”

  1. I’ve subscribed to your games and like them. There is one problem I’m having, and I’m not the only person having problems reading the white numbers on light turquoise background with your proportion game. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to read white writing on a very light turquoise color. It’s even worse on an iPhone. That is a game that I cannot play on my iPhone because I can’t see it. I’m hoping you’ll fix that.

  2. I am unable to get any sound. Help, please

  3. I am going to disengage. I am an eighty year old architect, still working, but find it a waste of my time. It certainly has potential. However I find the writing portions particularly disappointing , since it has an irritating feminist ring to statement and a remarkably female manner of speech. Perhaps my boyhood Latin and Greek form my own manner of writing, but I have never had any one of my friends characterize it as in any way unusual. Instead I have found a wide spectrum of clients and friends all speak in wonderfully varying forms of converse. They need a wider circle of social activity.

  4. The Proportion portion is messed up! I put in the correct answer and it won’t recognize it. I can’t finish and go on to the next level!

  5. The app is incredible! In one month I have gone from approximately 80% percentile to over 99% in each category. I’m thinking more quickly and more accurately than I have in years – maybe more quickly and more accurately than ever!

  6. For now I’m enjoying this game.

  7. Me seems to be a good phone.Thank you
    for the information

  8. is the dream of many people this phone.

  9. One of the best apps I’ve ever seen. I recommend.

  10. nice!

  11. Great if it worked
    No sound

  12. I must say its a good game form kids prospective as they will become more sharp and learn many things from this.

  13. I like this app Elevate, it’s amazing.

  14. Appsafari is the best! thanks for sharing

  15. whatta????!!!! nice app!!!!!????????

  16. I know i will enjoy this game!!!!????????

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  18. this app is very nice show

  19. I’ve been olher this app on my iphone and found interesting the interface, surely it worth the test, in my worked perfectly and met my expectations.

  20. Thank your article gave me another view

  21. Thanks! but.. That is a game that i cannot play on y iphone. ican’t see it.

  22. Will it be available on android ?

  23. Great if it worked

  24. That is a game that i cannot play on y iphone. ican’t see ?


  26. Awesome APP!

  27. I love this game! Because is very funny and make the brain works!

  28. I even like to play, but with little son is very difficult.


  30. Muito interessante! 😉

  31. adorei

  32. I did this test and really you can track your progress and compare with other users helps a lot!

  33. Great! I like it!

  34. I liked!

  35. Great, thanks!

  36. Gostei bastante do aplicativo!

  37. great article

  38. very good

  39. very good

  40. I love this app.
    Great article.

  41. This app is good.
    I will test it.

  42. great app. thanks for this.

  43. nice!


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  47. great app. thanks for this.

  48. Perfect!

  49. Amazing!

  50. I will test it

  51. the best app. Thank’s

  52. Excellent content, simple and practical. Thanks for sharing.


  54. The Proportion portion is messed up! I put in the correct answer and it won’t recognize it. I can’t finish and go on to the next level!

  55. great… Apps

  56. Beautiful tip thanks for sharing this imformation with everyone

  57. Beautiful tip thanks for sharing this imformation with everyone really and very interesting

  58. Excellent content, simple and practical. Thanks for sharing.

  59. Excellent.
    It seems very good, I’ll test it.

  60. Fantástico! Adorei!

  61. It seems interesting! I’m going to download to know

  62. I love this app.
    Great article.

  63. hi! Very good this article! I found it interesting.

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