New Year’s Resolution iPhone Apps for 2012

Do you need some help keeping your new year’s resolution? Luckily, with your iPhone and a few apps, you can do it. From calorie counters to free weights to the health food aisle, there are handy, helpful apps that make it possible to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you want to try pilates or yoga or a new weight routine, but don’t want to pay a trainer, then you’ll find great information in these apps to get started. With your iPhone, there is no excuse to let 2012 be a flabby, french fry filled year.

New Year’s Resolution iPhone Apps for 2012


It goes without saying, P90X is probably the most sophisticated, effective and popular weight loss and training program there is. We reviewed the newly released P90X iPhone app a few weeks back, so be sure to read that review & consider P90X when considering a program to get in shape. It does cost a bit of money to get everything setup, but it works, period. The only issue I can think of so far is that the newly released P90X2 program does not have an iPhone app, so if you are planning to use that program you’ll have to monitor your workouts the old fashioned way, for now.

iMapMyFITNESS+ - Running, Cycling, Training, Diet, GPS, Fitness, Exercise, CaloriesiMapMyFITNESS+ – Running, Cycling, Training, Diet, GPS, Fitness, Exercise, Calories

iMapMyFITNESS incorporates online account data with your iPhone to manage your fitness routines and healthy lifestyles. You create an account at and set up your routes online. Your routes are synced with your iPhone, so you can log your workouts directly from the app. One of the cool aspects of this iPhone app is you can monitor different types of workouts like runs, walks, cycling, swimming, sports, and trips to the gym. As a runner and frequent errand cycler, I have created my routes and can monitor my fartlek runs and my trips to the grocery on my bike from one app. You can choose to be part of the iMapMyFITNESS community by making your routes and accomplishments public, or you can elect to keep your profile private. The iMapMyFITNESS iPhone app has several great features, but would benefit from incorporating more of the functionality from the website into the iPhone app.

GymGoal ABCGymGoal ABC

The GymGoal ABC iPhone app is a must-have for gym rats and gym rat wannabes. The app is not the most visually interesting or modern, but the GymGoal ABC iPhone app has quality information and functionality. You open to thorough, helpful advice for starting and maintaining your weight routines. You choose your routine with just a couple of touches on the screen. The routines are created based on your self-assessment as beginner, intermediate, or advanced. You can choose to do free weights or free weights and cables. A routine appears with graphics, directions, and YouTube instructional videos for each exercise. This is particularly helpful for beginners, as written directions are sometimes hard to follow. The YouTube videos are integrated into the app nicely and play quickly on your iPhone. You can also create your own routines. The GymGoal ABC iPhone app makes the weight room accessible to all abilities.

Fitbit Activity and Calorie TrackerFitbit Activity and Calorie Tracker

The Fitbit iPhone app is an efficient, well-designed app to monitor your caloric requirements, water consumption, physical activity, and sleep. During the set up process, the app calculates your bmi and your calorie total needed to reach your target weight or maintain your current weight. You can choose how quickly you want to lose the weight by categories like easier, medium, kinda hard, and harder. Your maximum calories are adjusted up or down based on your activity level. The level of information and performance of this app is incredible, but the ease with which you can use the app and access the information is spectacular. The Fitbit iPhone app also allows you to access your account information online. If you want to lose weight, you’ll definitely want to check out the fitbit iPhone app.

runens GPS social runningrunens GPS social running

Price: $0.99
By: Ci&T
The runens GPS social running app is comparable to an expensive running watch for the amazingly low price of .99. From the home screen, you can start your run. You can choose to monitor your run by time, distance, or pace. You simply tap the middle button, and your run starts. By using your iPhone’s location services, your run is mapped. One of the handy features of the map is the local weather. If you like, you can create a profile to share your runs via twitter and facebook. You can set your goals and monitor your progress from one screen. For those new to running and seasoned runners alike, the runens GPS social running iPhone app is an incredible value.

iTreadmill:Pedometer Ultra w/ PocketStep™iTreadmill:Pedometer Ultra w/ PocketStep™

If you really want to track how much better it is to take the steps than the elevator, then the iTreadmill app is a great choice. The app is simple to use, and it quickly calculates and logs every daily step. You simply press play, and your steps are calculated. When you stop, the iTreadmill iPhone app automatically pauses. Once you start moving again, you just hit play. You can watch as you accumulate mileage throughout a normal day. Or, if you want to monitor a specific walk or run, you can do so as well. One of the cool features is your iPhone’s music is integrated into the app, so you don’t have to shuffle back and forth during your workout. The iTreadmill iPhone app is a simple to use pedometer that helps you get a more complete picture of your physical activity.

Calorie Counter*Calorie Counter*

For devoted calorie counters and strict dieters, then the CalorieCounter iPhone app should be downloaded from the iTunes store. From the home screen, you can quickly update your daily progress. The CalorieCounter iPhone app allows you to update your caloric intake via voice recognition, search option, and simply punching in the number of calories. This is a great feature, so you can determine the best option for that meal. If you are stuck in car line or driving home from work, you can add your day’s meals and snacks. For additional help and inspiration, you can join the online community sponsored by to access more tools, articles, and menus for healthful living. The CalorieCounter by iPhone app has incredible functionality and will help you keep your diet on track.

Nike Training ClubNike Training Club

The Nike Training Club iPhone app combines modern design and spectacular content. You assess your ability and choose workouts based on the amount of time you have to devote to your workout. You create your own soundtrack for each workout by syncing a playlist from your iPhone Music Library to the workout. Each workout has photos for each movement and a complete description, as well as a video of the movement. The workouts combine free weights and sports agility movements. Although the workouts are tailored to women and specific female problem areas, many men will find these workouts effective for their use of movements that incorporate multiple muscle groups. The Nike Training Club iPhone app will make every woman feel like they have a personal trainer comparable to a celebrity’s for the low, low price of free.

Learn PilatesLearn Pilates

Do you want a personal pilates instructor for .99? With the Learn Pilates app for iPhone and iPad, you have incredible instruction for beginners, intermediate, and advanced Pilates students. Each movement is thoroughly explained with photos and text, as well as a YouTube video with a Pilates instructor and student. If you want to do a series of movements, you can play the entire workout. Or, if you want to dig deeper and get the details and nuances of each movement, you can examine a YouTube clip of a specific movement. If you have consistent wi-fi, then you will be able to play the workouts without lag or interruption. You have the option of downloading a workout to avoid wonky wi-fi. Learn Pilates iPhone and iPad app helps you tone your tummy and fit into your skinny jeans.


If you want to eat healthy or find yourself confused by marketing claims on food packaging, Fooducate’s iPhone app helps you make the most healthy food purchases for you and your family. You use the barcode scanner within the Fooducate iPhone app to pull up nutritional information. Each product is graded and nutritional information is provided. Sadly, a popular nutrition bar I scanned scored a C+. Despite the organic content, the Fooducate iPhone app spotted sugar buried in the list of the product’s ingredients. I clicked the alternatives button, and a list of better options appeared. The free version of the app has an unobtrusive ad banner, but for a small fee, you can upgrade. The Fooducate iPhone app helps you manage your weight and eat healthy by choosing the right foods.

Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPalCalorie Counter & Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal’s iPhone app is a lean and mean calorie counter. The exhaustive, yet simple set-up covers all of the important details, so you can start logging calories and activities quickly. There is no navigation between activities, food, or water. Each day is monitored via diary entries. You simply press plus, and the simple menu of options appears that covers all of the vital aspects to obtain and maintain a healthy weight. You can choose to update your calories via the integrated barcode scanner or the simple search bar. You add activities and calories spent via the plus symbol as well. As you add physical activities, your caloric needs are re-calculated to achieve your weight goals established in set-up. MyFitnessPal’s iPhone app gets you down to the business of dieting and healthy weight simply and easily.

All-in YOGA: 300 Poses & Yoga ClassesAll-in YOGA: 300 Poses & Yoga Classes

The All-inYoga iPhone app is an excellent introduction to yoga and contains great tools for expanding a yoga practice. You choose between a sequence of poses for your yoga practice, or you can choose to search the database of poses for more in-depth information including a video of each movement. All of the sequences are grouped for beginners, intermediates, advanced, or gurus. You can choose breathing or pranayama sequences, as well as specific sequences for energy, wellness, and strength. If you would like a guru to create a specific practice tailored to your individual needs, you can purchase one through the All-in Yoga iPhone app. It is simple to navigate, and it contains an impressive amount of information. The All-in Yoga iPhone app makes it easy to develop a yoga body in your own home.

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AppSafari review of New Year’s Resolution iPhone Apps for 2012 was written by on December 29th, 2011 and categorized under App List, Health. Page viewed 6591 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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