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Horoscope Deluxe

Need a little boost in the guiding hand department of your life? Once only found in daily, weekly, monthly publications or obscure little shops, you can now have your horoscope literally at your fingertips, thanks to’s handy iPhone application, Horoscope Deluxe. In the best interests of privacy, horoscopes are the easiest way to go. Tarot and runes have a steeper learning curve, I’ve found.

The Horoscope Deluxe app pulls all its information from, so make sure you have internet access, as it will automatically update every time you launch Horoscope Deluxe. As expected, the very first launch will prompt you into fill out a profile, which is what the app will use to compile your own personal guide to life; any results can be Shared on Facebook by tapping the button on the top right. Thanks to celebrity astrologers Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer, you can access daily horoscopes and weekly love horoscopes through the first icon on the Home page. Daily horoscopes also encompass yesterday and tomorrow, so you can both see how you did and figure out what you should do. If you want to take a gander at the horoscopes of the other eleven signs, just tap the Signs tab on the bottom toolbar of your Horoscope page; tap a zodiac sign to expand their horoscope, and again to hide it. The Weekly Love icon on the Home page works in much the same way, just on a bigger time frame with an emphasis on the gentler emotions.

Horoscope Deluxe

In both Horoscope and Weekly Love pages, there is also a Friends icon in the middle of the bottom toolbar. This feature will only work if you actually input your friends’ data, which you can do either at the very first launch or any time after that by tapping on the Friends icon on the Home page. Accessing the Friends tab from the Horoscope page will give you a list of all the friends you’ve inputed, each of which you can expand to read their horoscopes for yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The Friends tab from the Weekly Love page, however, will detail the moods and happenings in your relationship with them last week, this week, and next week.

Horoscope Deluxe

One unique service that Horoscope Deluxe provides is the AstroSync, their compatibility tool (you need to have friends entered in order to use this function). AstroSync will give you real-time social and relationship compatibility guidance for each friend listed. You will see right away on the AstroSync home page how harmonious your relationship will be at the moment; tapping on their name will show you compatibility by select hours (depending on when the levels change). If you want an explanation as to why a relationship will be in the red, you can tap the hour for a breakdown of relationship factors: Communicating, Caring, and Asserting. Each of these three sections will be rated on a scale of five stars, accompanied by an astrological explanation. Unlike in the Horoscope and Weekly Love pages, you are not confined to a trio of days, but can access a compatibility report from virtually any day.

Horoscope Deluxe

Horoscope Deluxe is a gorgeous iPhone app that offers much in the way of guidance–the color schemes are fantastic–but any app can simply spit out your horoscope for the day. What makes this one such a great option at $1.99 is the emphasis on relationships, spearheaded by the AstroSync function. With it, you can plan outings and such when you and the other person will be at the most harmonious (why invite strife, right?). The only aspect of Horoscope Deluxe that puzzles me is the lack of sharing allowed: Facebook is literally the only platform you can connect to to Share all this wonderful information with. This is rather odd, since most apps have at least three basic places to post at: email, Facebook, and Twitter. With a slight upgrade, Horoscope Deluxe can quickly become a highly used – and useful – application for guidance.

AppSafari Rating: 3.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Horoscope Deluxe at iTunes App Store
Price: $1.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Horoscope Deluxe was written by on April 10th, 2011 and categorized under App Store, News. Page viewed 5862 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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