User Reviews

taskList is an application that serves as a virtual to-do list that can be used to plan out and accomplish chores and goals and keep track of future events. You may be thinking do we really need another tasking/planning/scheduling app? If you are still searching for the right one to fit your needs and expectations then taskList will probably be the one. It is brought to us by PO-COM LC, costs $1.99, and can be used on an iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

taskList has, so far, been the most user-friendly and efficient of all the organization apps that I have tried. It is straightforward in its design and it is oriented toward people who live for making lists to simplify their lives. You can add anything you need done or have planned to the list, scroll to set a date for it, and attach a memo, number, an embedded contact or tag to it. Attaching the date creates a countdown so that you can easily keep track of when it is due.

taskList, a nice to-do manager

The app can either sort the items alphabetically or by the date created. You can group your tasks and prioritize and sort them with tags. You can also create your own tags and add as many groups and tasks as you need. The tags can be used to show priority or anything else you can think of to discern between items on your list. The And Or toggle creates a logic preference so that you can search for tags easier. Once you have completed an item on your list you can check it as finished by swiping it and it will automatically be moved to a completed task list.

taskList, a nice to-do manager

The basis behind creating these administration apps is to save you time and I have noticed that you usually have to expend more of your precious time toying with the apps then you can afford. You buy the app to save time and end up wasting it and when you can easily use a pen and paper why bother? I found taskList to be the exception as it was uncomplicated, time saving, and manageable.

Here is a video demo of the taskList app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download taskList at iTunes App Store
Price: $1.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of taskList was written by on August 30th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Calendar, Events, Notes, Productivity. Page viewed 7029 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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2 Comments to “taskList”

  1. Hello! Just wanted to post a public thank you for the review! Nice to see someone really gets where this app is trying to go. Lots of time and care has gone into reducing the number of taps it takes to use. And, that said, happy to announce taskList 1.1 is now out! Among general refinements, one stand-out feature of note is it now integrates with the iPhone’s calendar (iOS 4 only!).

    Other apps have their own internal calendars, which I think can get confusing. With taskList 1.1, when assigning a due date, you can actually place it as an event in your calendar, and then utilize all that calendar events offer, including alerts. And, as a plus – if you update the date or time in the calendar, the linked task automatically updates. Unique, yet simple!

  2. Hello again. And, another new update! This one adds a significant new feature called “Quick Add” – which allows you to make to-do’s lightning fast by just tapping return for each new title. AND, now there is a LiTe free version to try, that has all the features of the full app, but is limited to only 20 active tasks. And, again… it’s free!

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