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Do you own and iPod touch and use Windows? Wanna install tons of native 3rd party apps on it? Don’t feel like messing around with the command line and complicated install instructions? touchFree is a Windows app that that enables SSH and SFTP, and installs, Trip1Pogostick and an alpha version of SummerBoard. You do need to have:
– .NET Framework 3.0
– iPod 1.1.1 firmware installed: Check on your iPod with Settings->General->About
– A copy of iTunes installed on your computer that is able to sync with your iPod
– You need a wi-fi connection on your iPod to do the initial TIFF hack (visiting one link with Safari). An internet connection is not required for the rest of the jailbreak

The sister app of iJailBreak is iJailBreak which is a GUI for jailbreaking iPod touch with Mac.

There is no doubt that installing this app and other native 3rd party apps will void your iPod touch’s warranty. Use iPhone mods and hacks at your own risk! Installing 3rd Party iPhone apps requires you to jailbreak the iPhone before installing the native software and apps. Browse the full list of all iPhone and iPod touch native 3rd party apps filed under the software category.

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AppSafari review of touchFree was written by on October 15th, 2007 and categorized under Cydia Apps. Page viewed 18080 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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26 Comments to “touchFree”

  1. i used touchfree, but i dont know what happen, because it dont want to sync with itunes anymore, so, i did restore it???? any ideas, what happened???

  2. If you had 1.1.1 and did that like i did itunes wouldnt sync .. i had to restart pc and then plug it in again

  3. Can touchfree be used with iphone 1.0.2?

  4. Does this work with the 1.1.2 update? Has anyone tried it?


  5. I have 1.1.2 ver on my ipod touch. how can i get 1.1.1 ver? or is there a way for 1.1.2 ver to do Jailbreak.

  6. Can I install the or touchfree prgram to my ipod touch ver 1.1.2?

  7. Can I install the or touchfree prgram to my ipod touch ver 1.1.2?

  8. I Have An Ipod Touch V1.1.2. Since Nobody Seems To Be Answering The Big Question If It’ll Work, I’ll Put Mine At Risk And Give Er A Shot. Send Me An Email @ Wrath_Of_NOD(@) And Ask Me About It If Nobody Answers By Then:P

  9. Help i cant find a download of touch free for windows

  10. I have bought from apple the January update but I want the installer app. Can I download it for free separately by my iPod touch?

  11. How can I install the installer on my ipod touch

  12. So is the 3 star rating due to the link being bad?

  13. Seems the developer website has gone down, Updated the link to Google Code page for touchFree.

  14. people , if u want to download the installer and stuff, i recommend u use Ziphone , works great =D

  15. How do i put the touch free onto my ipod

  16. k so i got the new i touch so can i jail break it itz verision is 2.1.1

  17. Can i install the or touchFree on my iPod Touch with the softwear verson 2.1.1 (5F138) ? And how is it done? Plz help..!

  18. can touchfree be installed into ipod touch 2.2 version???

  19. does it work with 2.2.1?

  20. Does this jailbreak and all that stuff work on my ipod touch version 2.2.1 please reply ASAP

  21. How can i jailbreak an ipod 3.1.2

  22. cool

  23. Can’t get around 3.1.3

  24. How do i jailbreak ipod touch 4.2.1

  25. TK

  26. Jalibreak my ipod 5g

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