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If you are running the latest version of firmware (2.0.2) on iPhone or iPhone 3G and have a Mac and want to Jailbreak your device to get Cydia and version 4 on there, you are in luck. The iPhone dev team has a tool called QuickPwn for Mac OS X that is similar to its sister app PwnageTool 2.0.3, but is designed for quickly pwning a device, whereas PwnageTool is designed to custom build and tailor the ipsw production process.

This version of QuickPwn requires iPhone software version 2.0.2 so if you haven’t upgraded to that you can get it using iTunes and then use the QuickPwn tool. If you don’t have 2.0.2 firmware on your iPhone or iPod touch, this won’t work!

Update: If you have updated to iPhone software version 2.1, you can download the new version of QuickPwn for 2.1 for Windows. You will also need to download the Bootloader files for iPhone Classic.

Update: If you have firmware update 2.2 and want to jailbreak your iPhone, you can use the latest version of QuickPwn for 2.2 firmware update. Instructions for upgrading from a jailbroken firmware 2.1 to 2.1 are listed below.

Update: If you have iPhone software version 3.0, you should be using Redsn0w to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone or iPod touch, depending on which version you have.

Update: If you want to get iPhone software version 3.1, you will need to use Pwnage Tool 3.1 to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone or iPod touch, which is under development and may be supported by now depending on which device you have.

  1. Connect your device and update to firmware 2.2 on iTunes 8.0.2 – your hacked .ipa will remain even when its updated, but all the installed packages from cydia/installer will be removed and will have to be reinstalled.
  2. Download QuickPwn 2.2 for Windows or MAC, and run it and it will ask you to locate the 2.2 ipsw (so make sure you have this downloaded)
  3. Follow the instruction and you have a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch with 2.2
  4. After a reboot, open iTunes and allow it to sync. You can still use the Mobile patch 2.1

You can download the official release of QuickPwn from the following torrent files. Tip: Use “Archive Utility” that ships with OS X to unzip the .tbz file you download. Don’t unzip the .tbz file you download with “The Unarchiver” tool.

Download the iPhone or iPod touch firmware ipsw files you need here

Use iPhone mods and hacks at your own risk! Installing 3rd Party iPhone apps requires you to jailbreak the iPhone before installing the native software and apps. Browse the full list of all iPhone and iPod touch native 3rd party apps filed under the software category.

More info here

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AppSafari review of QuickPwn was written by on September 8th, 2008 and categorized under Cydia Apps. Page viewed 35768 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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72 Comments to “QuickPwn”

  1. cant get through passcode after installing quickgold. can you help

  2. I think it would be helpful to describe what the app does, before you tell the users they can download an update…

  3. hi is there a jailbreak for the 2.0 iPhone yet 3g I see that if it’s 2.0.2 you can do I have to upgrade to do this and do you know where best to get apps to do the 2.0 if possible thanks

  4. i just downloaded it and when i click on it to run it a message comes up reading:
    you first must install one of the following versions of the .NET Framework: v2.0.50727

    I dont know what this means, i thought it meant that my iphone must be updated to 2.1, but i double checked and i have the latest version.
    so any suggestions would help me out, thanks

  5. Thats not the version of your iphone is the .net framework version you should have installed on your computer. go to and search for 3.5 .net framework, download and install it. and then continue with quickpwn.

  6. where do you find the firmware bundle (IPSW)? i searched all over my computer for it and couldnt find it, then i downloaded iphone 3g firmware 2.1, and it doesnt do anything. if someone could tell me what to download or where the file typically is on the computer, that would be a great help. thanks

  7. hey Steve did you use the latest version of quickpwn/itunes? when I tested it out, it actually opened the browse button the the folder where iTunes stores the ipsw files.

  8. that was the problem, thank you very much

  9. hi guys if I don’t have any firmware I got iPhone 2.0 can I use quick pwn

  10. my quickpwn locates the IPSW by itself, so i click next. then on the menu with which operations i would like to perform, i click on add Cydia and Installer, then i click on the arrow for next.. then quickpwn just closes as if i pressed on the X

  11. can u still use itunes to load songs after its been quickpwns and been loaded

  12. is it normal for the itunes in the computer does not support the iphone3g when connected to the computer? coz mine dosen’t and i dont have any idea on how to put songs in my iphone3g. hope u guys can help me.

  13. @shaz If you are using Windows make sure you have AppleMobileDeviceService in your process list and that the service called Apple Mobile Device is running. Also you might try turning off firewall software if you have any. btw this has nothing to do with quickpwn 🙂

  14. its all alright now, i unlock it with the official orange card thats y. then when i change back to my usual sim card it locks so i did rebooted the phone again for another round of quickpwn! 🙂 thanks every1!

  15. when I used this I found it worked at first then every few days I had the same results…i got locked out of my phone completely but not before the applications all began to crash in the same exact way. first the phone dial pad would stop functioning then the rest of the icons would not work. My last attempt at any form of fixing this resulted in a phone that no longer works period. I now have a new phone and I am fearful of re-trying this again before knowing what caused the last one to malfunction all together! Any help is appreciated greatly! I can tell you that not only did my last phone freeze it never was able to even turn on again which is why I was able to get a replacement…I do not wish to repeat this though…however I miss having the wonderful backgrounds and icons…this regular stuff is just plain boring! Too bad Apple is not more creative! :0(

  16. muchas grasias por permitir entrad a este programa

  17. I screwed up. I let iTunes upgrade my pod from 2.1 to 2.2. and all of my appl;ications outside of iTunes are gone. Any sense of when quickpwn will work with 2.2?

  18. Hey, I just bought an iPhone in eBay, its running Software 1.6, what can I do to get the 2.0 or 2.1 version on it?? And which iTunes Version should I have in order to run the 1.6 prehistoric version??

  19. .net framework is a part of windows it needs to be updated but has nothing to do with your ipod

  20. subscribed

  21. I have a 3g 2.2 and windows, what do i do

  22. download the quickpwn on this page and that will work
    but you need the firmware ipsw file

  23. I updated my iPhone to 2.2.1 and lost cydia add all that goes with that. I would like very mush to get it back. I would like to download the vidio camera again. What can I do to get it back. If I get back I don’t think will be updating from Apple any more.

  24. i have a ipod touch version 2.2 quickpwn and windows

  25. Yes. I too updated to the latest FW 2.2.1 and it wiped all my Cydia Apps including Cydia itself. Not sure how to get it all back. Damn Apple iTunes!!!

    Can anyone help?? I miss having Cydia, Winterboard, BiteSMS, SwirlyMMS, Intelliscreen et al!

  26. restore to 2.1 while doing this you will get message ( error ) when you get this close iTunes and connect to the program you used to jail brake, and follow the instructions them close that program and connect back ti itunes and it will finish restoring. I lost my iPod. I can put music into it, but I got my vidio camera back. If anybody knows how I can get back my ipod please let me know.

  27. Are you planning to blog more on this topic. I would like to learn more.

  28. I am running Quickpwn to jailbreak my Ipod touch. I have located iPod1,1_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw file, but after that I am unable to go any further and the continue arrow is greyed out. Can someone help?

  29. can someone please help me? i downloaded the pwn thing and i click on ipod which i have 2.2 for but i can not find that damn IPSW on my computer…very frustrating and i can not continue without it 🙁 helpppp

  30. ^^ i had to dl it off the internet. When i select my ipsw, it says firmware error string. Can anyone help?

  31. Go to and download the latest version of the program which compatable with your firmware 2.2.1 🙂

  32. i really need this on my iphone because it rocks thanks for making this

  33. Just downloaded cydia software successfully while trying to unlock my iphone 3G 2.2.1. Having done this my phone still does not recognize my local sim card error message is “invalid sim”. Can somebody help me out.


  34. Hi I have Iphone 3g 2.2, and i really don’t know from where can i get CYDIA in my Iphone, because i don’t have any cydia in my phone pls help from where can i get cydia in my iphone.

  35. ihave iphone 3g2.2.1 and i try letst qiuckpwn , but still give massege its not support any qiuckpwn softwaer , this a 1_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw file i update to 2.3.3 can any one help

  36. Hey I am having iphone 3G verion 2.2.1, I downloaded new version of QuikPwn from but when i am try to connect my phone and i am trying to download the applications like Cydia, it asks for ipsw which i am not able to locate on my computer. I am using latest version of itunes software. Can you please tell me how can i download cydia application on my iphone.

  37. try this version of qiuckpwn

  38. Hi I downloaded the QuickPwn-225-2 and it worked on my phone, but when it finished downloading the software, my phone was rebooted and it doesn’t show anything now, only apple logo appears on the screen. Please help.

  39. What about upcoming 3.0 iphone SW, will it work with it?

  40. Okay so i unlocked my phone when it had 2.2.1 and it was cool, i upgraded to 3.0 and it erased all my apps i had stored in “categories”, i paid it no mind because i figured that once i upgraded to the iphone 3gs and used the backup from 3.0 and unlocked it again it would be ok. Well i can’t unlock it, im stuck with the 3gs and have 85 applications that even if i sync thru itunes they will not show up anywhere on my phone because they were placed in folders, so they are still on the phone i just cant use them!!!

  41. My Iphone already at firmware 2.2.1, but it’s locked and I wanted to unlock it, so I went on Youtube and downloaded 4 files:
    iPhone_Unlock -which has the QuickPwn, the bl39.bin and the bl46.bin files
    When I ran the QuickPwn, my computer can’t read IPSW file. Please help !

    ps. I am running Windows XP

  42. wwtf how can i downlord cydia in my iphone…..plz tell me ASAP

  43. My Iphone updated itself to the version 3.0(7A341)so what is the suitable version of Cydia

  44. I am using an iPhone 3g which unlocked through Cydia and running in fw 3.0. However I haven’t been able to access the app store on my phone but have been able to buy apps from the iTunes store on my laptop. The app store on my iPhone displays a message saying loading and nothing else. Please help.

  45. how i can get this progame

  46. how do i download iittT???

  47. I just cant locate the firmware bundle file on QuickPwn..
    Can someone PLZ tell me how in details!! thanks a lot

  48. My Iphone updated itself to the version 3.0(7A341)so what is the new version of Cydia

  49. when i try to download QuickPWN 2.2.1 for Windows i have to open it with Limewire and No One is sharing this file there another way i can get QuickPWN 2.2.1 for Windows ?

  50. Who ever wrote this artical likes COCK in their mouths!!!!!!

    All the 2.0.1 files are missing shittt WTF u fucking fucks!!!!!!

  51. ?????! ??????, ???????????? ?????? , ????? ? ????????? ???? ?????????? ??? ????????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ???????? “????????? ?????” ? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????????. 🙂

  52. Ka ieladet no cydijas

  53. How to install cydia in my iphone please help me to take videosss

  54. Help

  55. hey my iphone 3gs is software 3.1.2
    theres none her where do i download it from?
    notice how so many comments are people with problems….

  56. Hey Jen go to download for windows click file save to anywhere. Open file plug in ipo to compute, then click make It rain, if screen stays blank for more than a minute hold home and power down(same time) and you have now a jailbroken iPhone/ipodtouch.

  57. i have ipodtouch 16 gb and i wont to know how i download cydia for free i asked before but no one answer me !!!!!???

    I took my ipod to store to downloads cydia and games and it work but i did rest for it and now the apps gone so i wont to download it by my self …any advice?!

  58. i have iphone 3.1.3 and want to download cidya how ?

  59. I have an iPod touch 3rd generation how do I install jailbreak in it…. Any advice.. Anyone

  60. why we should jailbreak ipodtouch ?

  61. How if the phone version is 4.0 (8A293)? What’jailbreak’to use? Anyone out there… please!

  62. I need free apps

  63. Hi, I have downloaded and installed the newest update for the iPhone 4, now using version 4.1 (8B117). Which I now know I should not have done because I cannot get jailbreak or Cydia to work and I have lost all my apps. Question : is there a way to return to the older version so I can re jailbreak or do I need to wait for the 4.1 jailbreak version. Please help, Thx

  64. Whenever I try to open cydia, itsays is loading but then it goes back to the home page… Do I need to reinstalll cydia.. How do I do it???? Please help

  65. I’ve jailbroke my iPod touch but my Cydia app has disappeared how do I get it back?

  66. dffdf

  67. i phone 4 g

  68. Hi can u pls tell me how I can install cydia on my iPhone 3G -version 4.1

  69. Nova

  70. How can I jail break my new I touch 4th gen.

  71. how can u jail break a freaking 2g ipod touch

  72. I want to win please

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