User Reviews
Marvel Comics

This review of the Marvel Comics app—appropriately enough—comes to you at the tail end of a whole weekend of Comic-Con. Naturally, the app is brought to us by Marvel Entertainment, and it can be used on an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. It is a completely free forum in which you can peruse and buy comics: Some are free and the rest cost an average of $1.99 each.
With Marvel Comics you can choose from hundreds of comic books to marvel over. You can search for comics with the options of, Featured, Free, Top 25, and Browse. In featured you can search by New, Popular or Rating.

Once you pay for and download a comic it can be automatically saved to the Marvel website if you have an account with them. Doing this ensures that you will not loose any of the material you have purchased. Upon opening the first comic book you buy, you receive an invaluable lesson on how to read and flip through the pages (my eyes are rolling). Even the tutorial is in the style of a comic book with Iron Man instructing you on the proper usage of the app. By the way, if you loved the Iron Man lecture you can access it from the master screen, which you can get into via My Comics. In that section, you can keep all of your comics organized, sign in to, find a local comic shop, change the settings, and learn all about the app.

Marvel Comics

The progression of moving the reader through the comic is beautifully done with each individual segment of the page filling the entire screen. Whether presented with a horizontal or vertical strip you can fill the screen by turning your phone accordingly. With the touch of your finger you can go back and forth through the narrative sequence of events. This style makes the comic really easy to read and enjoyable, even on a tiny iPhone screen.

I recommend this app to anyone who is an avid comic book reader unless you are one of those old school, technology-hating, hard copy-having purists who needs to drive to a store and purchase the actual book. Marvel Comics is the iTunes of comic book world.

Here is a video demo of the Marvel Comics app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 4.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Marvel Comics at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Marvel Comics was written by on July 28th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Art, Books, Developers, Free, Fun, iPad apps, Reading. Page viewed 7156 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Marvel Comics”

  1. Panelfly’s UI is waaaaaay better.
    They don’t have as many comics as Comicxology, but their store is way better too, graphically and better organized.

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