User Reviews

iPleasure is a sexual app that offers a pair of lips for its user to play with. It was developed by SID On, costs $0.99, and is compatible with an iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. I am not going to lie, I thought the app was hilarious, but sensuality, not comedy, was what the developers were going for.

The lips look androgynous. Instead of coming up with a male and female version they have given us a sort of mix, although the mouth is advertised as a woman’s. You are presented with a view of nostrils and the bottom outline of a nose and then everything under that up to the chin. The lips are long and thin and the philtrum (area above the upper lip) is nonexistent. There are two aspects to iPleasure: Putting lipstick on the lips and playing with the mouth. The lipstick pigments should suffice most lip color preferences out there with options like Coral, Crimson, Lemon, Ruby, Onyx, Ultramarine, Pearl, and Fuchsia. You choose a color and then start rubbing the lips with your finger. When you rub the lips they start moving back and forth under your touch and you can see teeth and the inside of the mouth. When the lips part the mouth gives a quick giggle. If you tap the face it tenses and a guttural, moaning sound comes out. The sounds that iPleasure offer are supposed to be “erotic, gratifying, and entertaining.” I definitely found them entertaining.


There is nothing really wrong with this app. The developers accomplished exactly what they wanted, which is a mouth that is interactive, but I cannot comprehend the real purpose. Maybe it can serve as a start to a person’s fantasy (of course the end would most likely be a website). Another problem I had was that although I know that beauty is subjective, studies show that a full mouth is a universal preference; this app is supposed to depict a sensual mouth so why are the lips so thin?


The only thing I got out of playing with this app was a few minutes of laughter. I am sure there is a market for apps like iPleasure and I am definitely not knocking the concept, I just do not understand why they did not make the lips aesthetically pleasing.

AppSafari Rating: 3/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download iPleasure at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of iPleasure was written by on November 24th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Fun. Page viewed 5890 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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