User Reviews
Cosmic Top

How would you like an aural and visual orgasm? Cosmic Top is an amazing iPhone and iPad app that combines touch gesture animations with 3D audio and gyroscope response navigation. Finger controlled animations on the iPad are nothing new. Many apps have come along that do something amazing letting users manipulate onscreen graphics using touch gestures, to create on-demand screensaver type graphics. One of the first apps was uzu and that was great. Now Cool Bear Studios have taken things to the next level by adding 3-dimentional gyroscope powered rotations, and real spatial 3D sound.

Cosmic Top

If you’ve ever wondered how it feels like to be god and control objects in the universe, Cosmic Top will give you that experience. Tap the screen and flip through the 8 provided objects. Everything from rainbow styled lifesavers to hypnotic objects that look like disco lights and neon lit spaceships. Swipe to get the objects moving. Following laws of inertia, Cosmic Top objects will stay moving until you interfere with them. To stop an object tap and hold the screen. Use a tap and hold with one finger, and swipe with another finger to get interesting effects. Pinch to zoom in and out. Now for my only issue with this app, you can’t go inside any of the objects, only get really close to them. It would be great if you could at some point “enter” an object, and I’m sure that is something that can be added.

Now for the sound. Cosmic Top has an insanely powerful and amazing sound engine. As a still object starts to move it produces sound, and the sound changes with a few factors including how fast the object is moving, how close or far it is from your view, and how it is angled and or rotating. Also different shaped objects produce different sounds. It all sounds like something out of a Star Trek movie or something, and if you have neighbors or colleagues, they might find it annoying or cool, depending on how often you play with Cosmic Top. Another neat feature is the ability to play your iPd in the background and play with Cosmic Top over it. Connect your iPhone or iPad to large speakers and a TV output and you will seriously appreciate how impressively this app responds and performs.

Cosmic Top

Speaking of addictions, this little app is nothing short reusable. Each time you use it you can do something new with it. Add the fact that the app uses the gyroscope for more fun. Look up to see into an object, or look down to see it from above. Rotate yourself around and axis and Cosmic Top rotates you around the object. There are even stars in the black spacial sky that float around in the background for good measure.

I have to say Cosmic Top is definitely a game changer when it comes to physics based screen gamers. Pick it up and have yourself a little fun and impress your friends.

Here is a video demo of the Cosmic Top app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Cosmic Top at iTunes App Store
Price: $1.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Cosmic Top was written by on January 14th, 2011 and categorized under App Store, Featured, Fun, iPad apps, Universal. Page viewed 7238 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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