User Reviews

I like Fission for main two reasons; you get to fling things at each other and they explode. You are Professor Particle’s apprentice and it is your job to collect space atoms. With the patented Frantic Fission Machine, you collect atoms by flinging like-colored particles at each other. Larger particles will smash into smaller particles and smaller particles will smash into small white atoms. You can collect the white atoms with your Vacuumator. Sucking up a larger particle with the Vacuumator will destroy it as well as causing you to lose points. Flinging different colored particles of the same size at each other will also destroy them. To pass each level, you must collect enough white atoms to fill up the energy bar on the bottom of your screen within the time allotted. There will be various obstacles impeding your atom collection, some just suspending your particles in stasis while others will destroy them. In addition to hazards, there are also a few bonuses that have advantageous effects on your particles. Levels increase in difficulty as you advance through the game. Don’t worry though, the professor’s assistant, Miss Molecule will inform you of hazards and bonuses before the start of a level.

Fission is easy to play and its graphics, music and sound effects are appropriately spacey. You can’t listen to your iTunes music while in-game though, which was a little disappointing because even though you have the option to turning them off, spacey sounds and silence get tiring quickly. Its graphics are decent, the effects are well-done but I would have liked to see more attention to detail, particularly a font change, which I think would definitely give Fission a more polished feel. All in all, Fission is an entertaining game and its creative gameplay and 3 levels of difficulty can keep you at it for quite a while.

Fission is currently in the App Store for $0.99 and if you’re still hesitant, BGDev also released Fission Free to try it out for yourself.

Here is a video demo of the Fission app on the iPhone

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Fission at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Fission was written by on January 23rd, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Fun, Games. Page viewed 4503 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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