User Reviews
Age of Zombies Anniversary

Every Halfbrick app I’ve used on my iPhone has impressed me, and Age of Zombies Anniversary is no different. Age of Zombies Anniversary is a shoot ’em up game in a zombie apocalypse, featuring both Story and Survival mode. Within seconds of playing Story mode, I was already impressed with the humorous dialogue. You play as Barry, just your average guy trying to stop an evil professor from creating zombies. The goal is simple: use guns, grenades, and power ups to kill a certain number of zombies in an arena-type map. Like other shoot ’em ups, there isn’t much exploration involved, but the fast paced action and achievements both give you motivation to play.

Age of Zombies Anniversary iPhone app review

The story brings you back to what seems like prehistoric times. After the professor created zombies, he sent them in a portal, with Barry following. There really isn’t much of a story involved, but that’s to be expected from the shoot ’em up genre. After finishing a few missions, I was encountered by a zombie T-Rex who wasn’t too happy with me. Using a sentry and a few other guns I picked up from the ground, I was able to defeat the goo spitting T-Rex and his zombie followers. My work in prehistoric times was completed, but now it was time to move up in history – specifically the 1930s. Before I could enjoy the fresh air, I was encountered by another horde of zombies. Time to kick some ass. Age of Zombies Anniversary is filled with humorous snippets, including the voice changing Barry, the dialgue, and some questionable hopscotch courses laid on the ground. With that and action combined, it’s hard to not love Age of Zombies.

Age of Zombies Anniversary iPhone app review

Halfbrick really raised the bar for the zombie shoot ’em up genre. The Story mode brings you back in time and in different countries, deciding to stay away from the cliche modern day zombie apocalypse. You can revisit the old maps in Survival mode. Survival mode is exactly what you would expect: stay alive for as long as you can with a large variation of weapons and power ups. As the waves increase, they get more intense, but the constant power up drops should definitely help you.

The audio and graphics are superb. The unique art style used to detail the maps, zombies, and characters combine with the high quality audio to create an excellent iPhone app. I didn’t have the chance to review the iPod Touch or iPad versions since this app is shipped as a universal binary, but I’m sure you’ll see the same type of quality.

Gamers who are looking for a new zombie or shoot ’em up game should definitely check out Age of Zombies. My new favorite app.

Here is a video demo of the Age of Zombies Anniversary app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Age of Zombies Anniversary at iTunes App Store
Price: $1.99
Version: 1.0
Size: 36.73 MB
AppSafari review of Age of Zombies Anniversary was written by on November 28th, 2011 and categorized under Action, Adventure, App Store, Featured, Fun, Games, iPad apps, Third Person Shooter, Universal. Page viewed 8397 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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2 Comments to “Age of Zombies Anniversary”

  1. the price isn’t $0.99 as stated. it’s $1.99. just checked the App Store.

  2. Very interesting game, eagerly waiting to play it…….

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