User Reviews
Draw Something by OMGPOP

Draw Something for iPhone is a hot download from the iTunes store worldwide. Essentially, Draw Something is just like playing Win, Lose, or Draw without the 1980s hair and ill-fitting khakis of the game show.

Like Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, your Facebook friends are the source of your greatest number of opponents. You sign in through your Facebook account or via your email. I am a fan of the interface for the registration process. You tap the area on the screen to add your email or credentials, and a pop-up appears with the iPhone keyboard for your input. You don’t have to fiddle with scrolling or multiple gestures to get started quickly and easily.

Draw Something iPhone app review

The Draw Something iPhone app’s home screen is easily navigated; however, the visual impact leaves a bit to be desired. You access settings via the top menu button. And, you’ll want to make that a first stop, in order to turn off the sounds. They’re not pleasant sounds–best described as short, painfully-pitched blips. The visual quality of the graphics is dated. The graphics just don’t pop and enhance your experience. An upgrade in visual impact would add more excitement.

You can choose to create a game with a friend or play with another Draw Something user around the world. You are given the choice of three levels of words. You choose one, then you draw it on the screen. There are a couple of colors from which to choose. With nice, responsive finger touches and swipes, you select your color of finger paint and draw the word chosen. In the game I just played, I chose the easiest word “cake.” I’m not particularly good at drawing a monkey or a catfish. It’s fun to draw on your iPhone screen. Also, it’s impressive the Draw Something iPhone app has such precise interface.

When complete, your opponent has a chance to guess. The experience is nice, as it is a video of the drawing process. So, you’re not just looking at the finished drawing. Instead, you watch your opponent’s every move. Then, you get to select from several letters to complete the word. You earn points, but this is more of a fun, Hangman type of game. It’s not for fierce gaming battlers. It’s fun, accessible, and low-stress.

For $0.99 you can upgrade your Draw Something iPhone app’s features. You purchase 2,000 more words, and the Draw Something iPhone app will become ad-free. If you will spend anytime playing this fun game, then the investment is minimal for the enhanced quality of the visual experience.

Draw Something is a fun game app to download to your iPhone. It’s a neat way to engage and enhance your social networking and gaming experience.

Here is a video demo of the Draw Something by OMGPOP app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Draw Something by OMGPOP at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: OMGPOP, Inc.
Version: 1.1.6
Size: 9.35 MB
AppSafari review of Draw Something by OMGPOP was written by on February 29th, 2012 and categorized under App Store, Games, iPad apps, Photos, Puzzler, Universal. Page viewed 11533 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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7 Comments to “Draw Something by OMGPOP”

  1. I’m so disappointed that this app won’t work properly. Forcecloses, loses games, says its their turn when they say it’s my turn, turns my phone off, takes forever to load… hmmm… what else? Oh yeah, makes me draw 3 pics before it will finally send one to the opponent. What makes it the most frustrating is that it’s so fun that I keep setting myself up for failure, hence, becoming angrier n angrier…

  2. So disappointed with draw something it is so fun but takes forever to load so can never play…stinks

  3. I love this game but it is very, very frustrating! It closes when loading and drawing, screen blacks out when loading and drawing. Game worked great until I updated it. Uninstalled and reinstalled and still no luck. Lost all my efforts!! PLEASE FIX THIS!

  4. Not very happy with this app. When it’s my turn I am told that I am still waiting for another player to take their turn. Knowing its my turn because the person I am playing is in the same room as me. I usually have to log out and then log back in just so I can take my turn. Also I sent a request to a friend and it stated that she was not accepting my request at this time, when I know that she is because she got the same message when trying to request me. I purchased this app so I am not going to delete it and re-install. Also I have spent my coins that I have earned for more paint. Please fix these issues before you add anything else to this game.

  5. Loaded Draw something on iphone 3g..kept freezing now it won’t load at all…what a pain!

  6. I have been playing for a while w/o problems. Then today, an ad popped up at the bottom in my way so I can’t send my drawing. I have tried waiting, clicking on it and then going back to the game, but no luck. they go away for tenth of second, but takes forever and not enough time to click send. This sucks! How do I fix this? W/o losing all my games.

  7. It’s a fun game, but I’m ticked that I can’t play with some of my friends. Google “draw something friend isn’t accepting games from you” and you’ll see how many people have thus problem. Zynga is ignoring it!

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