User Reviews
The Garbageman

The Garbageman is a gaming app that has you following a garbage truck with one objective: Throw garbage far and even enough to get it into the back of the truck. It was released by doubleleft for an iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad and costs $0.99.

There are about two movements that the player can choose between when playing which are, going left or right and hurling the debris toward the back of the truck. If you miss, the waste flies everywhere and you feel like a total failure. Every once in a while you are rewarded with prizes that you have to be careful not to toss out with the rest of the trash.

The Garbageman

Naturally, there are obstacles along the way like street lamps, people, and cars that you have to watch out for. You touch the screen on the left or right sides to move the garbage man around. There are a ton of trash bags and bins to pick up but if you miss one you cannot go back to it because the garbage man travels on one continuous path with no time to stop. There are giant arrows bouncing as they point you in the direction of the trash sites. You earn money upon completion of a level and the value rises with each receptacle you toss into your truck. A meter on the left of the screen keeps track of how you are doing, merit-wise.

The Garbageman

This app is so painfully basic that the user has no choice when playing but to be completely bored. It reminds me of the type of gaming app that would be offered for free because there is nothing to the game’s dynamic. I can see this game being more popular in places where there are hindrances to garbage collection like strikes and lack of organization or storage because the user can get some genuine satisfaction from collecting all of the trash and cleansing the streets of all its waste. The Garbageman is not an overall terrible app but it is way too plain to keep a person’s attention for very long.

Here is a video demo of the The Garbageman app on the iPhone

AppSafari Rating: 3/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download The Garbageman at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of The Garbageman was written by on January 25th, 2011 and categorized under App Store, Games, Time Management. Page viewed 5254 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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