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Everplaces - the social travel guide. Share and save your favourite places.

The Everplaces iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad app incorporates refined, polished interface and beautiful tools to explore and curate places around the world. With the smart combination of productivity and travel iOS app features, you can check out museums, restaurants, sights, and sounds; add to the attractive database of shared places; and create a private travel itinerary and journal. The seamless, intuitive navigation makes finding the perfect bistro in Paris as exciting as savoring the wine you sip.

Thumbnails of places fill the screen, when you open the Everplaces iPhone app and create an account. You may use an email log-in or a Facebook authentication. The Facebook sync requires access to your basic profile and list of friends. As you log-in, you are greeted with “You’re awesome.”

everplaces the social travel guide iphone app review

The Everplaces iPhone app uses a bottom menu bar for navigation. You can move between the home feed, filter options, add your location, find friends from existing social networks and some to follow, and your profile. When you select a specific place to check out detailed information, the bottom navigation bar shifts to a complementary sharing and saving interface. The style of navigation is reminiscent of Instagram.

The location icon has great, cool tools to add your impressions of a place. An in-app camera opens, or you can choose to add photos from your iPhone photo albums. You have several smart, fun options that are similar to a Facebook check-in – but with more finesse. You must authorize location services, and you can select one from the list or create one. You add tags like personal, food, drink, art, design, shop, sleep, nature, other, etc. You can also add a note to share more about the place–your impressions, describe an event that happened during your visit, add ideas for planning your trip, and more. For some locations, there is one-touch access to contact information including website or phone number. Another interesting tool is the ability to add to a collection. A collection is a tremendous tool for travel. You can research museums, sports stadiums, bars, restaurants, hotels, and create your custom guide for a trip. You can share locations to Facebook and Twitter. Or, you can also touch the lock icon to save as a private location.

These nice location tools create an attractive, striking home feed. The photo is framed by the name, location, and person who shared. You can like by touching the heart, or you can add to a collection or share by pressing the plus icon. When you touch a place to view the expanded information, you will find a delightful, fresh, and crisp interface. The photo is at the top of the screen, and multiple photos can be scrolled with horizontal swipes. The bold icon that identifies the type of place is tucked into the lower right corner of the photo. You can read notes shared, see tags, find location, and a one-touch map access that opens within the Everplaces iPhone app.

everplaces the social travel guide iphone app review

A cool feature is the switch to the navigation bar when you are viewing your home feed or a place’s detailed information. There are four icons–heart, plus, share, and directions. It may be redundant, as these same tools are tucked into the detailed info. When you travel, you may stumble quickly across a cool option, and you just want to grab directions to go immediately. You can also just add to your collections for editing later.

The globe icon from the home screen leads to feeds that you can easily filter and sort. You can choose a specific city, then the tag icon opens a matrix that allows you to touch the categories you prefer. Then, the screen is customized. It’s a matrix with just the icon to identify type of place and name.

The Everplaces iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad app trims the massive quantities of places available in Yelp, but the scope of the places and the elegant interface is perfectly suited for a discriminating traveler and taste.

AppSafari Rating: 4.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Everplaces – the social travel guide. Share and save your favourite places. at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Version: 2.2.2
Size: 27.37 MB
AppSafari review of Everplaces – the social travel guide. Share and save your favourite places. was written by on October 2nd, 2013 and categorized under App Store, Free, Productivity, Reference, Social, Travel. Page viewed 6573 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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