User Reviews
Whole Foods Market Missions

The Whole Foods Market Missions app is a tool designed by Whole Foods Market, Inc. to introduce people to a broader and healthier variety of food. It is free and can be accessed using an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.

Once I got past the fact that this app is purely a marketing tool for a company that charges an obscene amount for its products, I was able to enjoy it and appreciate it for what it can do for me. In essence, our country is getting increasingly fatter and our eating habits are gluttonous and counterintuitive. Therefore, I welcome talk of probiotics, organics, and juicing with open arms. Not only does the app attempt to introduce its user up to new and exotic foods but it also provides tips for a healthy lifestyle and nutritious eating.

Whole Foods Market Missions

There are over 70 categories or “missions” to choose from including Brainiac, Cheesemonger, Great Grains, Leafy Greens, and Phat Fats. Within each category is a list of either tips or foods. For instance in Leafy Greens there is a checklist of 5 types of nutrient rich greens like kale and Swiss chard that you can incorporate into your grocery list and diet. One way I value this app is that when I am at the grocery store I always forget just how varied and diverse the selection is. The key to living a salubrious lifestyle is to be constantly changing your exercise routine and the types of food you eat.

Whole Foods Market Missions

Some of the categories they provide include tips on how to tighten your spending habits. Believe it or not the suggestions they offer do not include not shopping at their stores. In the section Sorcerer of Saving the theme is to “cook once, eat many times,” which basically suggests to cook enough and eat sparingly for leftovers. Cheapskate, another section, recommends keeping track of how much food you waste and how much you spend on restaurant food per month. Along with missions the app offers tips on nutrition, storage, and green living among other things.

Let’s be honest, Whole Foods Market Missions is blatant advertising trying to disguise itself as a health guide. The product pushing doesn’t do anything to negate the positive about the app, which is that it offers a wealth of knowledge about creating and maintaining wholesome eating habits.

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Whole Foods Market Missions at iTunes App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Whole Foods Market Missions was written by on August 31st, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Food, Free, Health, Productivity, Shopping. Page viewed 7199 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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One Comment to “Whole Foods Market Missions”

  1. This app is great. I use it and recommend it.

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